8/15/2014 c1 Universal Shipper
This is really good. I love role!reversal Xmen fics. You should consider writing a multi chapter one! (I would be happy to beta)
This is really good. I love role!reversal Xmen fics. You should consider writing a multi chapter one! (I would be happy to beta)
5/1/2013 c1 Guest
That was a wonderful start, it follows the movie-verse but the little differences makes it a better read and if Shaw got Charles than Erik - I'd say Magneto does not stand a chance. Erik has nothing on Bad-arse Charles. I'd just like to know how on earth those two got in the camps their names aren't even german they're english (at least Charles is). But please, do continue! There aren't enough Dark! Charles out there. I'm excited!
That was a wonderful start, it follows the movie-verse but the little differences makes it a better read and if Shaw got Charles than Erik - I'd say Magneto does not stand a chance. Erik has nothing on Bad-arse Charles. I'd just like to know how on earth those two got in the camps their names aren't even german they're english (at least Charles is). But please, do continue! There aren't enough Dark! Charles out there. I'm excited!