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2/21/2013 c1 Dank Greene
Um, Toon Link was born on OUTSET Island, not Windset... where did you get that from?...

Oh, and don't threaten people not to leave a flame... it's.. un-author-ish.
2/21/2013 c1 4Maloni
Nicely done, but it sounds as though they're descriptions rather than jokes. Good grammar, not too many typos, it's pretty solid. Nice job.

2/20/2013 c1 134lex2316
Very nice story, but please dont threaten people in your publish description.

Flaming isn't just offensive remarks; it can be just critisim, so really, you are threatening to 'make them regret it' if they critisise you.

Never mind it's a very funny fic, my favourite is definitly the Meta Knight One
2/20/2013 c1 BipolarIke
Pfft... I like Ganondorf's! :D And I know these are supposed to be jokes, but I like Ike's! His is awesome! :D Instead of funny it's freaking epic.

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