Just In
for A Demi-Saiyan for a Familiar

4/22/2021 c4 E
Copious misspellings, author's notes in the middle of a paragraph, straight exposition with little tone setting. Yep, my fears were founded and brought to life. Your characters are vaguely reminiscent of their intended references, I suppose, but they have little life in their dialog. Overall, I can't read anymore.
4/22/2021 c3 E
Well, I know what kind of story it is now. He accepted the duel, that's pretty much confirmation that the story won't get any better than it is now. The spelling and prose were already questionable. Ah well, I suppose I could read a couple more chapters. There's so few DragonBall crossovers.
3/8/2021 c20 Guest
And it was never updated again.
4/23/2020 c13 Unkown
I'm fine with this, it makes the story more fun.
2/6/2020 c20 James Birdsong
9/18/2019 c7 Guest
Well, I wouldn't exactly say that Vegeta cowers. It is more like he gets really anoid, but is unwilling to kill the woman he loves, so he just does what she says to shut her up. Some might say that he even gets her riled up on purpose just because he likes her hot temper.
12/13/2018 c2 Dead account 400 dbrgrd
Shenron could definitely break that fodder contract.
11/21/2018 c20 1Agent RIOT
So uh, is this fic still getting an update?
7/9/2018 c9 dunk sause
real nice
4/18/2018 c1 dragonfox123
Awesome chapter plot and idea
2/9/2018 c10 9RenegadeForLife
No one really mentions it but isn't Gohan technically the prince of the Ox Kingdom.
12/5/2017 c5 Thedudeist
i dont like it, the point of crossovers is that he's supposed to be different from saito.
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