Just In
for Love will last

4/24/2013 c11 BB Masen-Cullen
Eeek! Can't wait till the next chapter!
4/24/2013 c11 1Taylor9901
What an ass Charlie is. I hope he gets what's coming to him. Keep it coming. I love this story.
4/24/2013 c11 thelionismine
Amazing chapter! Love it!
4/24/2013 c11 cullenmeadow
Thanks for updates
4/23/2013 c10 TiffanyD
Oooohhhhh now I'm curious to know what's going to happen
4/23/2013 c10 Taylor9901
What a tease. I want more.
4/23/2013 c10 BB Masen-Cullen
Oooh! I can't wait to find out either way! :D
4/23/2013 c10 thelionismine
I bet he was abusive.
4/19/2013 c9 kiwisrock
All good! Thanks!
4/18/2013 c9 cullenmeadow
Thanks for update :)
4/18/2013 c9 maryannabella
Well dang... nothing like a girl with dress to jeans talent ;)
4/18/2013 c9 TiffanyD
I wonder what that could be anxious to read more
4/18/2013 c9 Taylor9901
You are a tease. I love this story and want more soon.
4/18/2013 c9 BB Masen-Cullen
Oooh! I wonder what Paul's gonna tell them? Can't wait!
3/31/2013 c8 TiffanyD
that seemed a lil intense, please update soon !
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