for Love will last
4/24/2013 c11
1Taylor9901What an ass Charlie is. I hope he gets what's coming to him. Keep it coming. I love this story.
4/23/2013 c10 TiffanyDOooohhhhh now I'm curious to know what's going to happen
4/23/2013 c10 Taylor9901What a tease. I want more.
4/18/2013 c9 maryannabellaWell dang... nothing like a girl with dress to jeans talent ;)
4/18/2013 c9 TiffanyDI wonder what that could be anxious to read more
4/18/2013 c9 Taylor9901You are a tease. I love this story and want more soon.
4/18/2013 c9 BB Masen-CullenOooh! I wonder what Paul's gonna tell them? Can't wait!
3/31/2013 c8 TiffanyDthat seemed a lil intense, please update soon !