Just In
for Love will last

3/31/2013 c7 TiffanyD
wonder what's going to happen. hope they get married
3/31/2013 c5 TiffanyD
great chapter can't wait to read more
3/31/2013 c4 TiffanyD
can't believe a dad would do that
3/31/2013 c2 TiffanyD
I hope they get her away before something crazy happens
3/31/2013 c1 TiffanyD
wow I can't believe he sold her
3/26/2013 c8 cullenmeadow
Thanks for update :)
3/25/2013 c8 kiwisrock
Yay! Thanks for the trader! Great to hear from you!
3/25/2013 c8 BB Masen-Cullen
Hehe I loved it! Can't wait till the full chapter! :D
3/15/2013 c7 fallunder
3/15/2013 c7 WonkeyDonkey
Great update.
3/15/2013 c7 Mireads
Very good
3/15/2013 c7 BB Masen-Cullen
Eeeek! There getting married! :D I can't wait! I wouldn't of suspected the Mafia! Lol can't wait for more!
3/14/2013 c7 1Taylor9901
Oh how sweet. Billy is on their side. I love mobward. He rules my dreams. I love this story. Can't wait for the next chapter.
3/14/2013 c7 10nbrian72
At least Billy had a conscious.
3/6/2013 c6 BB Masen-Cullen
Ooh I can't wait to see what this secret is! And who calls!? Hmmmm... I think Bella will take everything alright? At least I hope she does!
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