Just In
for Love will last

2/25/2013 c3 BB Masen-Cullen
Oooh! Getting more interesting! I'm soooo glad that she got out before jacob or billy saw her! I can't wait for the next chapter and hope that Edward gets out soon! :D
2/21/2013 c1 Guest
WTF! The chief has SOLD her?
Please continue, can't wait to read more!
2/21/2013 c1 Tiffany
I think u need to keep going its a story I would love to read
2/22/2013 c2 BB Masen-Cullen
Eek! I sooooo can't wait till the next few chapters and see what happens! I soo hope that Edward gets out in time and that Bella doesn't even come close to Marrying Jacob! I sooo can't wait! :D
2/22/2013 c2 1Taylor9901
That was a tease. I can wait to read more. Thi is getting more interesting.
2/21/2013 c1 BB Masen-Cullen
Oooh this is really interesting! I can't wait for more! How much Drama and Angst does it have? And pleeeease don't let her marry jacob! -_-
2/21/2013 c1 Taylor9901
Wow interesting! Can't wait to read more.
2/21/2013 c1 mayi84
what the hell! Can't wait to read more on this
2/21/2013 c1 10nbrian72
The Cullens will come to the rescue.
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