Just In
for Hearts

2/7/2016 c1 2MysticMiraculer
I love how spontaneous and unique this story is. This was so fluffy and adorable I love it!
I love this story! Such a good idea, and knowing how austin's character is, you portrayed him perfectly, unlike all of the stories where he is an asshat. ;) But this was TOO CUTE.️️️️
6/30/2014 c1 AwesomeAusllyRockinRauraR5Four
9. Heart Attack. What was written on the hearts was SO sweet!
8/27/2013 c1 8special agent pao
I love it. The last part was really clever
5/27/2013 c1 Marcoinge
Aww! :)
4/12/2013 c1 destination procrastination
aw! it kinda disturbs me that a 15 and a 16 year old are getting married, but i can get over it.
3/22/2013 c1 5HappyBeginnings3
2/23/2013 c1 Guest
Oh my gosh! That was sooo sweet. I love i!
2/23/2013 c1 19onewritergirl447
all of them :)
2/21/2013 c1 Guest
Awwwwwwww so sweet 3
2/21/2013 c1 4stephgirl9
I LOVED IT! SO FREAKIN' CUTE! I loved when it rained Hershey Kisses and the pillow and one direction posters and most of all dani & dougie! Excellent story :)
Steph XO
2/21/2013 c1 Guest
I LOVE IT! I love it, I love it, I love it! It's sooooo romantic and I just seriously LOVE how Austin is chesy! IT'S FANTASTIC AND MAGICAL AND ROMANTIC AND BEAUTIFUL AND AMAZING AND AWESOME AND DID I TELL YOU THAT IT IS ROMANTIC?! OMG! Thank you so much for this story, it just made my day! Beautifully written!
2/21/2013 c1 11flip flops in february
Aww, love, that was so adorable! Don't you just love love? This is so cute and so many other wonderful things. Fabulous job! :)


P.S. If someone cut up my One Direction posters, I'd pound them until their face had a Niall sized fist mark. And, Austin, BRITISH AND IRISH! DON'T YOU FORGET MY WONDERFUL BABY NIALL HORAN!

Lol, that's the end of my rant.
2/21/2013 c1 Rei Star
So cute and fluffy! I love it! My favorites were the Heart Attack and the Heart Shaped Umbrellas one. :)
2/21/2013 c1 83LoveShipper
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww each heart scenario made my heart melt like butter. They kept getting even sweeter, romantic and aww worthy with each one. Austin is such a romantic and sweet guy though I am sure after dating him for three years and being madly in love with him all that time too, Ally already knew that. :D

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