Just In
for Path to Leadership

4/17/2015 c4 1amerdism
Awesome story I hope to see more soon when's the next chapter going up
4/6/2015 c4 Krysvun
Good luck!
4/6/2015 c4 2Scarred Seeker
I miss reading your story... I'm looking forward to read them soo do your best. And hope to see you soon.
3/16/2015 c3 3doubledamn
Nice fic so far, I look forward to more. Though, do you know of any SAO fics where Kirito somehow gets the all the level caps removed for his Avatar? Won't make him OP till much later in the game of course, but it might prove interesting...

How do you someone would write a LIAG for this series? Would they make it a 'Life is an Anime' instead?
11/8/2014 c3 Hello
Just wondering if this story is abandoned or if you are ever going to update or are planning to update? I love this story and would love to find out what happens next as this seems to be a pretty unique storyline as i haven't yet found another story like it.
Hoping you'll update soon _
9/20/2014 c3 2Hearnishere123
I hope you update soon.
1/14/2014 c3 1Vallavarayan
this is a good idea. hope you continue this
11/7/2013 c3 Guest
More please!
10/10/2013 c1 1AppleberryCookie
'there will be lots of error'... I love the irony in how your short note at the beginning contains the first error :'D my OCD just killed me when I read that xD has anyone else pointed this out yet?

Here are some more minor errors:
'her shinai, worn out by practise still in her hands.'
Comma after practise?

This is spelt Oniichan not Onichan...

', said brother-in-fact-cousin of Suguya,fourteen'
Isn't it spelt Suguha? And you need spaces after commas.

'His black hair, freed of the helmet which constrain them, in the same messiness than his sister's but his skin still relatively free of sweat.'
'which constrains it'? And shouldn't it be written 'which constrains it, is in the same messiness...' because the new sentence starting with 'His black hair, freed...' doesn't carry on from the previous one.

'We are after all the same on this point.'
Shouldn't this be written as 'We are, after all, the same on this point.'?

'after a quick glance to the clock'
Shouldn't this be written as 'after a quick glance at the clock'?

'Asked teasingly Kazuto.'
Shouldn't this be written as 'Asked Kazuto teasingly.'?

This is spelt spelt Ojiisan, not Ojisan. The word 'Ojisan' means uncle, not grandfather.

'In their little hands, a relatively new shinai could be seen'
Unless you meant that the two of them were holding a single shinai, that is written 'In their little hands, relatively new shinai could be seen'

'she quickly drop the matter'
Dropped. Remember that although annoying, spellcheck helps. It pointed this mistake out for me, after all :D

'he didn't even look once at her in the eyes'
I think this is written 'he didn't even look at her once in the eyes', though that sounds a bit weird as well...

'Even during their finishing spare'
Spar, not spare.

'their sensei even scold him for it'
scolded. Spellcheck again :D

'he could only cowered in fear'

'I can't stand this pitiful attitude of you any longer'

'I somehow knew that you needed to have this conversation. It was probably my... apprehension, that postponed it to later date, when you needed to hear this'
You don't need to say 'when you needed to hear this' again at the end. It sounds weird.

It's spelt okaasan. 'Okasan' means that you're addressing a person named Oka...

'he would broke apart like some shattering glass'
break. I think I should stop saying Spellcheck now.

'When Kazuto felt his grandpa warm embrace'

'he wiper his eyes with his sleeve'
wiped. This was probably a typo.

'and thanked his grandfather with a weak voice'
and thanked his grandfather once more, with a weak voice

'But you're
full of doubt. You are afraid of making a mistake. And it is your greatest flaw. Do you know why, Kazuto?'
This was probably another typo. You've put an enter between 'you're' and 'full'

'And these doubt did no vanish'
not. Another typo. There seem to be a lot of typos in this section... I didn't find any in the first part...

'the one's who seemed so wise right now'
one. You don't need the ''s' after it

'It is simple, my grandson:you just need to stop doubting yourself, Kazuto.'
It is simple, my grandson:you just need to stop doubting yourself. Writing 'Kazuto' at the end is pointless.

'Because, having doubt just make you weaker'

There are more, but I've run out of time to post them. I guess that's my procrastination done for tonight :D time to start studying QAQ I will read the rest of your story tomorrow... hopefully. It's a great story, from what I've seen :D just a few small mistakes, that's all. I hope this helps.
9/30/2013 c3 1Destrark
huh, nice idea, hope it gets updated.
9/17/2013 c3 19Faliara
I never really saw anyone who had this idea ) Awesome!
7/23/2013 c2 1Jarjaxle
O.o o.O O.O...F**K YEAH! This IS FREAKING AWESOME START! This Kirito Is Awesome!

Black Savior Eh...Please Update Chapter 3 soon and MAke it Long Chapter please...

So This Kirito is Confided, most likely Awesome Leader Later on, Going to Help Anyone he Can...So Overall He IS FREAKING GREAT AND AWESOME! if he joins made a Quild why i am seeing so many People Joining in? XD

This Kirito Deserves Harem Tough could you please try to make it so that he Get's one? ( Asuna. Lisbeth, Argo, Sachi, Sylfa and couple others...) Oh I hope that you don't plan Kill Black Cats of The Full Moon...
7/17/2013 c3 Axcel
I'm liking this already! Looking forward to chapter 4! :D
7/17/2013 c2 Axcel
Just to clarify, was the dual blades skill the only way to equip, in canon, two weapons at once? Or was it just that most people didn't bother investing the time and effort into learning how to use an off-hand weapon properly?
7/12/2013 c2 A simple fool
Very nice speech, I've been imagining someone stopping the panic and that speech fit my thoughts perfectly. Also, nice plot point (Kazuto's grandfather) to change, not that big of a change yet and those are the best.
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