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for Path to Leadership

6/30/2013 c3 2Analyn Rockwand
Awesome, again. Do us all a favour, and don't let the man die.
6/30/2013 c2 Analyn Rockwand
I said once, I'll say it again. THIS IS AWESOME!
6/30/2013 c3 6Xeenith
je review pas souvent, mais un collègue francais qui écrit et surtout sur cet anime génial, je me devais de mettre un petit mot ;)
j'aime bien le concept... il me tarde déjà de lire ta version de la rencontre kirito / asuna et ce que tu as prévu pour les tourtereaux hehe
bon courage pour la suite :p
6/29/2013 c1 2Analyn Rockwand
The consept of the idea is amazing. You should continue ths FF to the end.
6/24/2013 c2 22edboy4926
Awesome chapter.
Good way for Kirito to earn the a leadership post in the beginning.
6/24/2013 c1 edboy4926
Good intro
6/19/2013 c3 Sword'sfunPen'sbetter8P
:) A good start, I'm enjoying reading it. Keep up the good work.
6/16/2013 c3 Tnt24tryon
Interesting premise.
Intriguing writing style.
More please.
6/12/2013 c3 16XiaoWing
Like it
Please update :)
5/19/2013 c3 3code R.R
oh no!
5/19/2013 c2 code R.R
I like this so far
5/4/2013 c3 ViolatedMonkey
Finally an actual story where kirito is not afraid of leading this story is going to be fucking amazing if you continue. I love the way you write and that you are not afraid to show some emotion in characters but not too much. Some authors go overboard with the emotions in the story. like having 15 year olds crying at the drop of every drama in the story. People die all the time i have met plenty of people who are around 13 to 17 year olds that have had love ones like family members die. Doesn't mean they will cry every single time. or breakdown and be incredibly useless.
5/3/2013 c3 1hello2000
Preview? Dammed teaser, you are just keeping us in suspense. Do remember to put in line breaks.
5/1/2013 c3 6Atrile
bad end ... and no save slot. only a preview?
some grammar issues here and there, but interesting situation
5/1/2013 c3 22King of Beasts
This actually pretty good. Amazing how one small action (Kirito's grandfather being understanding about his situation) can change a lot of things.

I'm looking forward to more of this. Update soon!:D
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