Just In
for Third Times the Charm

9/17/2022 c3 Guest
More please
7/28/2019 c3 Guest
More please
8/21/2017 c3 lexicon63738
Oh I love this so far. Please find your way back
1/27/2017 c3 9babydoll.MK21
i really love the together :)
7/21/2016 c3 10Quileutepack.Seth16
I really really really really enjoyed this story.
3/27/2016 c3 32Pharies
Why are all the stories in finding interesting not finished? Or at last have more chapters :(

I really want more of this one. I hope your muse comes back :)

1/28/2016 c3 14Star.of.Jupiter.16
i like this story pls pls update soon
10/16/2015 c3 daniella2cool
I love this the plot is definitely original. The idea that they knew eachother in so many different intervals in there lives. Plus the age difference I really hope you haven't abandoned this fic I would love to see where it goes if you ever read this please finish there are to few Hp/t crossovers!
10/14/2015 c3 Guest
This has the potential to be an exciting story. Please update as soon as you can. Cant wait to know what will happen.
11/9/2014 c3 jallison099
I can't wait for the next chapter coming up love it please make more
5/21/2014 c2 meldz
i hated what the Hermione's dad did. if i were in her shoes, i would restore his memory, give him a guilt trip for not showing a bit of loyalty to her mom.
1/23/2014 c3 BlackWolfUnder
Update soon!
10/27/2013 c3 1Lioness32
Ahhh! Poor hermione! So many things happening!
10/20/2013 c3 1Eylia Riddle
Really good
8/16/2013 c3 Elizabeth
Thank You! I was afaird you would never update! Is Hermione animagus? Will Jacob come clean about the shifter thing, but not imprinting? Will Hermione come back to help Bella during her perency? Will she now have a son for Leah instead of a daugther for Jake? Or will Ress be the mate for another wolf? Will Leah imprint on one of the wizards would come at Hermione request to help defend Bella and the baby? Will one of them give the Harry Potter books that go over the adventuers of the golden trio and at the end even have the more recent things they done? Like Hermione law work? Is Hermione friends with Draco now? Please update soon
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