Just In
for The Wolves

11/25/2019 c1 Vamp Chick 73
I know you wrote this so long ago, but I just had to tell you that this was absolutely beautiful! Such a unique concept! I loved it!
10/3/2015 c1 14snowdrop65
Aw, Henrik. Now I miss him... Truly beautiful read.
5/4/2014 c1 2Angels-heart1
Sad but so sweet.
11/23/2013 c1 611Ghostwriter
Very pretty.. Catch ya on the flip side.
10/25/2013 c1 21Realynn8
This was great. I'd love a sequel. :) When she remembers. Just a suggestion.
8/24/2013 c1 4Epitomeofme
Ahh..please A sequel is a must..
Please turn it into a three shot or into a story.
8/12/2013 c1 NoPenName2015
That's beautiful! I had tears in my eyes at the end.
6/7/2013 c1 pmcc318
i loved it .:)
5/23/2013 c1 brokenspirit21
Loved it! Please write more...
5/7/2013 c1 2Ashley Potter Cullen Salvatore
Wow. Just wow.
3/21/2013 c1 1TakingBackTheNorth
please do one more chapter! Like when Klaus draws the picture and Caroline remembers...
3/17/2013 c1 2buffy2471
This was a lovely story, I do hope you continue it.
2/26/2013 c1 missgwen33
This. Was. Gorgeous. I'm seriously in love with it. I really want to see when she remembers and the conversations before and after! Loved this!
2/26/2013 c1 51lizzybennettdarcy
It's the very best kind of pain, effing beautiful is what it is. Thank you! Any chance of a sequel where she remembers?
2/25/2013 c1 8mrsl488
This was perfect! What a wonderful idea to have Henrik watching over Klaus. I loved how you showed Klaus' vulnerability in regards to his siblings, though I felt that Elijah may have been a bit out of character when yelling at Klaus, but, then again, grief does strange things to us.
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