2/26/2013 c1 Story Seeker
Holy Shit the sequel is finally here. If my vocal cords were capable of producing a high pitched Squeal of Joy I would do so right now. As it is, congratulations on another finely written chapter! I look forward to reading every chapter you write.
Holy Shit the sequel is finally here. If my vocal cords were capable of producing a high pitched Squeal of Joy I would do so right now. As it is, congratulations on another finely written chapter! I look forward to reading every chapter you write.
2/26/2013 c1 Techpriest of Tzeentch
Ahh, the satisfying start of an anticipated sequel.
Why can't I come up with words that easily for my essays?
Ahh, the satisfying start of an anticipated sequel.
Why can't I come up with words that easily for my essays?
2/26/2013 c1 Guest
YAY! i'v been waiting for this since i read coincidence and misunderstandings! XD
YAY! i'v been waiting for this since i read coincidence and misunderstandings! XD
2/26/2013 c1 Celestia GF of the Void
I love when Raven goes all dark side on people. Always so badass. Looking forward to this so keep up the good work. Wonder how the Titans or the JL will react to finding out what Raven and the team have been up to. It's been far to long for Robin to go without a good bitch slapping.
I love when Raven goes all dark side on people. Always so badass. Looking forward to this so keep up the good work. Wonder how the Titans or the JL will react to finding out what Raven and the team have been up to. It's been far to long for Robin to go without a good bitch slapping.
2/26/2013 c1 Guest
so happy you posted the second part and is kind of wierd you did when i was reading again the firt one and thinking when is the sequel coming out?
love this
so happy you posted the second part and is kind of wierd you did when i was reading again the firt one and thinking when is the sequel coming out?
love this
2/26/2013 c1
Yes, I've been waiting for this and from this chapter it sounds like it's going to be even better than the first series!

Yes, I've been waiting for this and from this chapter it sounds like it's going to be even better than the first series!