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for The Ero-Game

3/20/2013 c1 Tax
When will be next chap.?
3/19/2013 c1 5TheNiemand
who will be in the harem?
3/13/2013 c1 Jubi-no-mai
When will you post new chap, i want to see how it will go from now
3/5/2013 c1 Hanabi's Biggest Fan
So the whole chapter was taken up by Naruto being told things by the book out in the forest where they had trained the tree climbing skill? That seems a bit, well, expository. Maybe less could be revealed up front. I know you took the example of The Lemon Games (a truly epic story), so do it like that. Yes, a lot still has to be explained to him. But if you decide to keep it this way, try to make more things actually happen in the following chapters.

And YES, do rewrite the story to take place before the genin exams. The younger Naruto starts having sex, the younger the girls will be too. Yeehaw! Lolicon for everyone! And don't forget to include Hanabi, and whatever you do, don't make her artificially older just so she'll be closer to his age. She's 5.5 years younger for a reason. Keep it that way. The pairing is so much more interesting that way. Obviously, I expect you'll probably wait a bit to include her in the sex, until he's back to graduation age again (at which time she'd be 7.5) or maybe even slightly older. But don't wait too long. The older everyone gets, the harder it is to remain interested in the sexy action.
3/4/2013 c1 Takai153
Looks cool. I can't wait to see how this will turn out!
3/3/2013 c1 sertry
3/1/2013 c1 Pit
I'm waiting for next chapter, but atleast now i'm really interested in it, and hope you post soon
3/2/2013 c1 dragonsage naruto
very good gun kata is interesting. hope you add kurenai and akemi from red ninja
3/2/2013 c1 mbone2988
This I got to see Please write more.
2/28/2013 c1 Flame
Like Holy shit, How the Fuc Did you get 12 Reviews for a Chapter that isn't even a chapter!. Where's the story?, I get that you wanted a Info-dump, but shouldn't you have typed the Actual Chapter as well? Seriously...
2/27/2013 c1 Guest
good story so far keep it up
3/1/2013 c1 DksDarkstrider
Very nice, few fics like this are worth reading. Keep up the good writing! The Imperial skill trees also adds a nice touch.
2/26/2013 c1 Guest
I liked the chapter and will follow the story but some of the of the objectives and rewards I find ridiculous, I know games now give you achievements by doing stupid things that you HAVE to do anyway, or for being a looser like dying too mcuh, but he shouldn't be getting stuff for loosing or getting beat up unless it's something worth noting... like, I don't know, survive torture without giving in, or something similar. Getting anything by being captured by Iruka or getting owned during the gennin exam is..bleh.

I also don't agree with Introducing guns, that there are rules the he has to follow, that he can tell anyone about the game and that the Kyuubi knows about it.

And that's about it. Though all of that becomes meaningless if you plan on making this fic more of a smut/humor story, not much point in details if so.

Looking forward to your next update.
2/26/2013 c1 The Understater
Cute. Don't put Sakura in the harem. Just. Don't. This also reminds of the story RebukeX7 wrote, Naruto: Life Is A Game.
2/28/2013 c1 7jh831
awsome start
i like the game concept
hope you keep up with it, alot of others havn't, but this one has the best start that i have read
cant wait to see what happens next
also, hope you make naruto irisistable so you can use the song 'simply iresistable' not sure on the spelling of the song
again, great start and i cant wait to see what happens next
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