Just In
for I Love You Aren't Just Words

8/31/2002 c1 21Lanie M
Soo sweet ne! ^_^ Maybe I'm biased because I'm a Ruhana fan.. but it's really sweet.. ^_^
8/12/2002 c1 39Hikaru R. Kudou
KAWAII~ i need more, more RuHana~
8/10/2002 c1 chescaOtaku too lazy to sign in
awww...that sure was sappy...hehe...but it's good nonetheless.. ^_^ keep that up!
8/10/2002 c1 30Iluvenis Telperien
You make me c..cry...booohoooo...sad, but sweet love, isn't it? A love just like coffee.
8/10/2002 c1 7oriquey
I read this over at The Babble didn't I? *chuckles* I like this ficcie. ^^ I told that this fic made me read RuHana again right? *huggles* great work imouto-chan ^^
8/10/2002 c1 4Rings Of Saturn
So sweet! I love it! And I really like the plot for the fic. Now days hardly anyone appreicate the words 'I love you' so you story was sweet. I love Rukawa!

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