Just In
for Paradise Imperfect

11/3/2014 c17 Anon
10/30/2014 c17 guest nr 1
where the f-ck are you man!? update this right now i cant wait anymore i need this to be complited!
3/29/2014 c17 Ashley
Are you done with this story? Because I feel you can go forever on this one. And I hope you do. LOL
Great author Great story

2/3/2014 c17 FabrevansFTW
Aww... I'm really glad things are okay for Sam and Quinn now. :) I hope they'll only get even better. As for their kids, well, it's part of growing up. Sam is a cool dad. :) It was awkward yet Joseph did confide in him and I'm glad for them.
I love that you bring up all these different family matters/issues and their different angles/POVs. It makes this fic all the more realistic and beautiful. I know you're very busy but I hope when you find the time (and the inspiration), you'll continue writing Fabrevans fics. :) Til then, I wish you well in all your endeavors, current and future. Please know that we Fabrevans fans appreciate you and are so grateful to you for sharing your talent and love of Fabrevans with us. :) #FabrevansForeverNoMatterWhat :P
8/14/2013 c8 Agronaut13
Please continue!
8/3/2013 c3 6coolhan08
Love how Finn's there for Sam & Rachel's there for Quinn. Can't wait to see how Sam & Finn's weekend at the farm with the kids goes.
8/3/2013 c2 coolhan08
Again great job! I can't believe Sam's cheating Quinn though with Katy; although it sounds like Quinn & Adam's relationship isn't exactly innocent though either. Glad though that Sam at least knows it wouldn't be right for him to live with Katy while he & Quinn are still legally married. It'll be interesting to see what happens when Sam gets his own apartment. Glad to see that even though their marriage seems to be falling apart that both Quinn & Sam are putting their kids first. Also I thought Sam handled smelling pot on Joe well. Hoping we find out soon who the girl was that Joe was with. Anyways, great job as always.
8/3/2013 c1 coolhan08
I'm so glad you're continuing this series! So sad to see Quinn & Sam's marriage falling apart though; I'm guessing they're both having affairs. Love the addition of the twins, they remind me of twin cousins at that age haha. And Jasper, wow, I can't imagine how hard it would be to know what you want to say but just can't say it. And Joe, well seems to definitely to being going through the whole teenage rebellious/discovering who he is stage; I can only imagine what Quinn & Sam will say if they find him smoking pot. Anyway, thanks again for continuing this series!
7/18/2013 c17 B2stB2uty
Is the story Completed? because they are already together. if not can u updat asap
7/18/2013 c5 Agronaut13
So I hope this fanfic isn't over:(... I know you don't like this but please update and continue. Many people LOVE this story!
7/2/2013 c17 G
So I'm guessing this is the end ..? Well at least their back together
6/24/2013 c17 Guest
Plz keep update 33
6/23/2013 c17 Kera
Yes, so happy their on their way back on track! I loved this chapter, I wonder weather arielle is going to get pregnant? Keep up the good writing!
6/21/2013 c17 Ashley
Write more when you get the chance. :) Love this story so much. I like how sam treats quinn better and quinn treats sam better.

6/21/2013 c17 19SamEvans17
That was an amazing chapter, sooo good :D
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