1/5 c11 readicted
LOL at Bella making up a fake exit plan so she could ravage her oil smeared boyfriend, only to find out he has already promised to stay and help clean the fish. So Amber got what she really was hoping for in the end. Perhaps that will make hanging out with Brady and the gang less awkward. Glad Katie wasn't a mean girl. Felix was a fun character, thank you for the Cajun cheat code, because I had no clue. The proposal was perfect for them. Edward finally got his Bella. I love how well the families got on together. The respect that both Edward and Bella had for their family, then sense of community. This was a genuine heartwarming read. I really enjoyed it. Thank you for sharing your story.
LOL at Bella making up a fake exit plan so she could ravage her oil smeared boyfriend, only to find out he has already promised to stay and help clean the fish. So Amber got what she really was hoping for in the end. Perhaps that will make hanging out with Brady and the gang less awkward. Glad Katie wasn't a mean girl. Felix was a fun character, thank you for the Cajun cheat code, because I had no clue. The proposal was perfect for them. Edward finally got his Bella. I love how well the families got on together. The respect that both Edward and Bella had for their family, then sense of community. This was a genuine heartwarming read. I really enjoyed it. Thank you for sharing your story.
1/5 c10 readicted
Really surprised that a man like Chief Charlie Swan permits anyone, including his mama, to disparage his WIFE, and daughters in such a way. I get giving her the deference a grandmother is due, but that only goes so far. When she's personally disparaging the mother of your children, in front of them, and in front of invited guests to boot... Charlie was supposed to say more than just "Mother." He could've handled that situation in a way that was firm, but not nasty. Even just expressing gratitude and pride in his family. It was a holiday meal with invited guests. She was way out of pocket for the awful things she said. Kudos to Edward for politely removing himself, and offering Bella an out from that toxic situation. Much respect to him on how he handled that. I don't think many would know quite how not to rise to the bait in that situation. And then he didn't he told Bella about his nasty relative in Arkansas so she wouldn't feel so embarrassed. I meant to comment how much I loved the scene where Edward brings Bella from the trailer to his house and reveals the master bedroom, all finished and set up for them to enjoy a cozy romantic evening. Very nice. Then plan i g to host a combined family Christmas supper is a declaration is there ever was one. Then without a word, the way Bella confidently guided her and Edward to their own pew in church was a clear and bold message to everyone else. I like that Tanya and Jake followed suit.
Really surprised that a man like Chief Charlie Swan permits anyone, including his mama, to disparage his WIFE, and daughters in such a way. I get giving her the deference a grandmother is due, but that only goes so far. When she's personally disparaging the mother of your children, in front of them, and in front of invited guests to boot... Charlie was supposed to say more than just "Mother." He could've handled that situation in a way that was firm, but not nasty. Even just expressing gratitude and pride in his family. It was a holiday meal with invited guests. She was way out of pocket for the awful things she said. Kudos to Edward for politely removing himself, and offering Bella an out from that toxic situation. Much respect to him on how he handled that. I don't think many would know quite how not to rise to the bait in that situation. And then he didn't he told Bella about his nasty relative in Arkansas so she wouldn't feel so embarrassed. I meant to comment how much I loved the scene where Edward brings Bella from the trailer to his house and reveals the master bedroom, all finished and set up for them to enjoy a cozy romantic evening. Very nice. Then plan i g to host a combined family Christmas supper is a declaration is there ever was one. Then without a word, the way Bella confidently guided her and Edward to their own pew in church was a clear and bold message to everyone else. I like that Tanya and Jake followed suit.
1/4 c9 readicted
I'm glad Bella talked to Jake. And she didn't push or tell him what he should do, just informed him of what's in the works. He knows what it will mean if Tanya gets the transfer and moves. It's time for him to decide if his conviction to not snacking up before marriage is more important than losing her. No judgment because it is important to him and its a big deal. He has to decide which would be the more devastating loss. Either way, it's life altering. Look at Bella planning to move to Jackson so she can be close to Edward. Look at Edward having serious doubts about what he wants to be when he grows up. What I don't hear from Edward is any hint of excitement or desire when he speaks about his potential future profession. That was a different life he'd envisioned for himself as Katie's husband. Now that he's imagining himself in the house he built, beside Bella, he can't envision himself working the same demanding schedule that his own father does. I think he already knows what he wants. He just doesn't know if it's a wise choice. He once imagined he'd be a wealthy, or well to do professional. Now he's pining for a labor job that will mean living a more modest lifestyle. He's afraid of the lean times during slow downs. But in Bella he's found a potential wife who is supportive of his aspirations, someone who's not afraid of meeting the lean times with country girl know how and determination. They are hunters, fishers, and they'll grow food too. This was my thoughts last chapter, that Edward would prefer to work with Alec. And Edward is smart, he's knows the business. He can do it. I love the sound of rain. In fact, I'm listening to ambient rain sounds right now.
I'm glad Bella talked to Jake. And she didn't push or tell him what he should do, just informed him of what's in the works. He knows what it will mean if Tanya gets the transfer and moves. It's time for him to decide if his conviction to not snacking up before marriage is more important than losing her. No judgment because it is important to him and its a big deal. He has to decide which would be the more devastating loss. Either way, it's life altering. Look at Bella planning to move to Jackson so she can be close to Edward. Look at Edward having serious doubts about what he wants to be when he grows up. What I don't hear from Edward is any hint of excitement or desire when he speaks about his potential future profession. That was a different life he'd envisioned for himself as Katie's husband. Now that he's imagining himself in the house he built, beside Bella, he can't envision himself working the same demanding schedule that his own father does. I think he already knows what he wants. He just doesn't know if it's a wise choice. He once imagined he'd be a wealthy, or well to do professional. Now he's pining for a labor job that will mean living a more modest lifestyle. He's afraid of the lean times during slow downs. But in Bella he's found a potential wife who is supportive of his aspirations, someone who's not afraid of meeting the lean times with country girl know how and determination. They are hunters, fishers, and they'll grow food too. This was my thoughts last chapter, that Edward would prefer to work with Alec. And Edward is smart, he's knows the business. He can do it. I love the sound of rain. In fact, I'm listening to ambient rain sounds right now.
1/3 c8 readicted
These two just fit each other's life. They Families, church, interests. They fit. They support each other, but they don't coddle. For instance, when dealing with each other's friend groups, they make each other feel comfortable, but don't smother. I'm impressed with Edward not rising to the bait with Jared. I can understand where Tanya's coming from with Jake. Marriage is a life altering decision. It's smart to make sure you're fully compatible before saying I Do. I get that Jake is more traditional, but maybe they can come to some kind of agreeable compromise. While do I have a feeling that Bella is going to lose her temper. Nothing worse than a doctor who hates their job, Edward should reconsider. He seems to love working with Alec. He already knows most aspects of the business. He could be a contractor, partner with Alec, and eventually get his own crew. Will Bella's intended career take her away from Quittman?
These two just fit each other's life. They Families, church, interests. They fit. They support each other, but they don't coddle. For instance, when dealing with each other's friend groups, they make each other feel comfortable, but don't smother. I'm impressed with Edward not rising to the bait with Jared. I can understand where Tanya's coming from with Jake. Marriage is a life altering decision. It's smart to make sure you're fully compatible before saying I Do. I get that Jake is more traditional, but maybe they can come to some kind of agreeable compromise. While do I have a feeling that Bella is going to lose her temper. Nothing worse than a doctor who hates their job, Edward should reconsider. He seems to love working with Alec. He already knows most aspects of the business. He could be a contractor, partner with Alec, and eventually get his own crew. Will Bella's intended career take her away from Quittman?