Just In
for Split Personalities

7/17/2013 c9 Daryan24
So...Hi? Bleh. First review off of a 3ds...Good story! It's been a while since I read a VK story, and this one is good...! Hate the cliffhangers though...m(-.-)m Short chapters..? PLEASE MAKE THEM LONGER ITS KILLING MEEEEE! *Cough* Again, great story!
7/15/2013 c9 2SilverAmarant
Damn you cliffhangers! I want to know what happens to Ichijou next. That probably sounds stupid, but it seems like he might survive. Probably. Please update soon!
7/13/2013 c9 1Bottomless Pit of EMOTIONS
Nice job so far! Your chapters are a little short though... _'"
6/25/2013 c8 PinkFlower2
cant wait for more and it fun to have cliffhanger sometime! :)
6/7/2013 c8 5Cookie-Fairy-Narnia
*tries to repel murderous thoughts* damn it! Why? Why did you have to mention the weird guy from drama... Now you have reminded me of creepy library... *cowers in corner* see you tomorrow...
6/1/2013 c8 1Bottomless Pit of EMOTIONS
I was waiting for this... -_- — *_*
6/1/2013 c8 2SilverAmarant
Cool chapter! Drama lessons are the best!
6/1/2013 c8 1lightblue-yorkie21
YAYAY hehe me and rusty and in it :D CLIFFHANGER... NOOOOOOOOOOOO - you will update sooooooon or i will... STEAL DAISY :D
Awesome chapter and cool story so far :D UPDATE :)
5/26/2013 c7 lightblue-yorkie21
Awesome story! :D Sophie and Kaia are exactly how they are in real life... hehehe :P
4/24/2013 c1 Lucy
awesome first chapter :D
4/14/2013 c7 1Bottomless Pit of EMOTIONS
I didn't realize you posted chapter 6 before! _" Well anyways, don't give up! Fight for yourself! (I just wanted to say that.) XD
4/14/2013 c7 PinkFlower2
I love this chapter can't wait for more!
4/14/2013 c7 2SilverAmarant
Really good chapter! Please update soon! I can't wait until your next update.
4/8/2013 c6 1a-little-crazy-is-good-for-you
cooleys! :D
4/7/2013 c6 5Cookie-Fairy-Narnia
Epic chapter!
*gives invisible cookies* nooooooooooo they went to narnia... (not my fault)

*throws tennis ball at head* it's not fair this chapter does not contain the word fabulous in it... But it says the word 'cookie' and the word 'killing' so that itself is FABULOUS!
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