Just In
for Night Horrors

12/25/2013 c1 1I-Love-Trunks1
Aw, poor Soubi. It's so sweet of Ritsuka to try and find a way for them both to be together if Seimei ever did show up again.

I loved this story so much!
11/3/2013 c1 82Sycocat2
Aww poor Soubi, that dream scared me too! This was very in-character, and well written.
3/31/2013 c1 Psycho810
Normally I don't read this short of fanfics but oddly this is one the best Fanfics I've every read! Aside from a few grammar and spelling mistakes.. Well done!
3/14/2013 c1 BlueLullaby
I love you almost as much as I love Loveless. That's a whole lot! 3
3/12/2013 c1 145Dlbn
Aww poor Soubi. But that ending was just adorable :3 I love it

3/12/2013 c1 Ennu
Cuteeeh :3
3/11/2013 c1 promocat
poor soubi!that is his worst nightmare
3/11/2013 c1 Worldpuppyday
I hope Soubi's dreams never happens!
3/11/2013 c1 63AZ1087653
That was so sad! I can see it happening though. I am sure Soubi is plagued by nightmares whereas Ritsuka would be plagued by nothingness since his memories have been altered. What a sad state of affairs.

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