Just In
for Sick Sad Little World

12/7/2022 c2 kyluris
Such a great book, love it! I'm obsessed. Hope you will continue
2/27/2022 c2 18PrimitiveParadox
I really loved this story, and hope you continue it someday. xx
10/12/2017 c2 1underw0lf
OHHH, this was so beautifully written. The tenderness of the whole piece of writing could be entirely appreciated. The plot, the jabs at her denial at Klaus' feelings were great. And the smut was so good and tender! Thank you for sharing this.
1/7/2016 c2 4However Long
great story, it would be great to see a part 3?
10/14/2015 c2 JB
By far, one of the best fan fictions I have ever read. I was absolutely mesmerized. Please write more!
10/15/2014 c2 laurabambyjones
Love it! Do continue.
9/8/2014 c2 1Justanotherfiveminutes
Can't believe I've only just stumbled across this. It's brilliant from start to finish. Well done, and thank you!
5/7/2014 c1 redbudrose
Loved it! So good!
11/14/2013 c2 NoPenName2015
Oh... my... GOSH! That was freakin' awesome! I really hope you continue with this, it's just amazing! And the emotional aspect came across very well.
10/3/2013 c2 6The Lady Stark
oh god this is fantastic! update please :)
8/17/2013 c2 5SirensEye91
OH MY LORD. Please do part 3! Your writing is just amazing!
6/24/2013 c2 6MissFullofLight
asdnsjkgf I love this, I really hope there will be a part 3!
6/19/2013 c2 2Pheonix Autumn
Is there going to be another chapter?
6/16/2013 c2 Guest
Ok that was hot! But not can tell he does love her.I Hope you continue would be interesting how Caroline deals with her feelings for they very in character."little sired monster is exactly what he would say..and damon saying favorite blonde" I love how he confronted damon about what he did to her..I've always wished he did on the show. And way great story although now i need a cold shower lol
6/3/2013 c2 24TheBookWormReader95
This was beautiful
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