Just In
for Judgement Day

8/9/2013 c2 Moon night
When is the next chapter coming, and it was just getting interesting.
12/22/2011 c2 15Khorale
Review=authour wanting more = no chapter= unhappy readers.
6/26/2007 c2 Pocket Mouse
Dude, we were really good, I can't believe we didn't get any further than this! I want to know what was going to happen! D:
6/24/2005 c2 Sayiangirl
4/4/2004 c1 talentedatbreathing
this is really really really really really really god plz plz plz plz plz update! i need to know what happens!
1/15/2004 c2 talentedatbreathing
i really love this fic plase please update soon!
1/11/2004 c1 Andy-chan
this is a really good fic please please please update
11/29/2003 c2 andy-chan
i love this so far its so good please update soon!
11/8/2003 c1 andy-chan
dude this rocks!1 its funy so far u got this down perfectly!
2/24/2003 c2 2WiTcHgIrL1
i'll review! i love this type of stuff!
2/24/2003 c1 WiTcHgIrL1
nice! this is some good stuff!
10/20/2002 c2 10Queen000
lol. group therapy, interviewing people from his past, this is not going to end very well. i can't wait for the next chappy.

DBZ Fanfiction Queen
10/20/2002 c1 Queen000
excellent start my friends.

DBZ Fanfiction Queen
10/10/2002 c2 15UnromanticPoetess
I'm sorry. I would like to read your story, but I can't read something that hasn't even been previewed and made sure it was in a readable form. Please skip a line between paragraphs. I like where this story is going, and I liked the first chapter, but have a little pride in your work.
10/10/2002 c1 BladeRider1
Write more! I luv Vegeta! Well done so far!
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