Just In
for Harry Potter and the Four Horsemen

2/12 c1 HrothgarPoage
This is the first story of yours that I have read. I just finished the first chapter and all I can say is AMAZING. I'm looking forward to the rest of the story. Can't wait to see what happens.
Thank you for sharing your talents with us. I will be reading more of your works.

12/5/2024 c15 rmw5763
Thank You,this is definitely going on my Favorites list. Glad you got over the trolls and shit reviews. Way too many great stories get abandoned cause the Author listened to Stupid ass people who weren't writing their story. Fuck That, write for You.
11/13/2024 c15 Jen
I really enjoyed this story.
11/2/2024 c15 Mark1
Thank you for finishing this...till next time!
11/3/2024 c15 Guest
So, Hermione is treated like shit and left with nothing. Weird story.
7/3/2024 c4 1demonboy121986
Ok first, sad day when this writer said enough. Its one thing to get a good amount of chapters in, give reason why you no longer like it, give an idea on what you think could be changed but thats just given an idea for possible furture story. A whole other thing to do it to a point it makes em stop. Read the summary and if you get invested in reading give a reason IF you want but wish the writer luck. Dont be a dick, if you dont like the summary or only a few chapters in, just find a new one. This writer is one of the great and i say that n this out of respect and able to say, some summaries i just didnt gel with and didnt bother with. Now tho, someone who brought this amazing tale, had stopped writting a bit ago truely sad.
6/23/2024 c8 AliceTobor

It is a good Harry/Bellatrix on this site.

Harry is cast back in time, and butterflies make it so House Black doesn't follow Voldemort.

Bella is fascinated by Harry and chases him, they are not together at the end.
But Lily is with Sirius Black, and Arcturus allows it.
Plus though she hasn't caught him yet, it is hinted Bellatrix will get Harry.
6/23/2024 c7 AliceTobor
The sudden change in Lily Evans from thinking and feeling that James Potter was an immature bully to being the Love Of Her Life is not explained or even hinted at in canon.

ROUNDABOUT DESTINY explained it while sending Hermione back in time to be reborn as James twin sister.

LILY EVANS FIGHTS FIRST also gives an explanation.

There is a story, I forget the title and wrier, where Lily and James are victims of Dumbledore's manipulation.
He potions her, while in Hogwarts, they marry right after, a child is immediately conceived.
Of course she stayed with the father. Then Tom kills her.

There are quite a few guesses...
6/23/2024 c4 AliceTobor
Have you read either INFERNO?

One is a classic, the other a science fiction book only a few decades old.

I think it is written by Jerry Pournelle or Larry Niven, maybe both.

And my reading recommendation is THE BRITISH REFORMATION.
6/22/2024 c15 suziq968
Forgiving Jason is one thing, but asking Lily to forgive James after he physically and mentally raped her you're crazy.
6/4/2024 c15 23Elaelle
wTF? 15 chapitre pour ça ? Ce pardon ridicule ? Je m'attendais à mieux mais après tout, c'est ta fic. Dsl , je zappe le favori, trop de déception, une adrénaline qui retombe comme un soufflet
6/4/2024 c12 Elaelle
Pourquoi fais-tu comme les autres auteurs avec du vu et réchauffé ? Il ne punir jamais James, il parle alors qu'on s'en fiche, sa mère a souffert, il devrait écraser ces minables au lieu de vouloir travailler avec son connard d'ex frère qui ne se serait jamais embarrassé de lui. Il est le cavalier il n'est pas là pour être indulgent il prend et punis, merde alors où est le Harry qui leur en met plein la gueule ? Ce n'est PLUS sa famille alors arrête de les épargner, on lis pour les voir souffrir pas pour que ça se transforme en une fic dégoulinante sur le pardon et liens familiaux primordiaux, il y a des choses qu'on ne pardonne pas, même à un frère ou un père et si James abandonne son pseudo héro que Harry ne fasse pas sa tafiole en disant : pas sa faute, il était jeune ! Il savait parfaitement ce qu'il faisait, pas d'excuse de merde, ni Lily ni Harry ne doivent pardonner.
3/27/2024 c1 truester
Sorry you have chosen to give up writing, I’ve enjoyed your stories over the years. I’ve read some of the bad reviews all I can say is those that can do, and those that can’t complain. You are worth more than all the complainers combined. Take care.
3/21/2024 c1 Schnuff
Congratulation...I couldn't even reading the first chapter...OMG..another WBWL story...this one even more outlandish in the way that ooh they only need one of the of course Harry is sent away...away to the same place TMR spent his childhood.
3/15/2024 c16 shedges19
are you on a other site
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