Just In
for To Die is an Art

7/14/2013 c1 Guest
Beautiful. Simply beautiful. Brilliant idea, that was.
3/19/2013 c1 47Oriondruid
An interesting view into the twisted mind of a mass child murderer, who saw the vile things he did as art. Seneca was a heartless killer and I feel no pity at all for him, but this at least shows he had some sort of standards he set himself and a perverse pride, even if there was not a shred of compassion or remorse in him for what he did. This was interesting and well written.
Many Blessings.
Oriondruid, (John).
3/17/2013 c1 7Bloodredfirefly
Wow. Incredible, I love how original it is. I'm a crazy fan of Seneca (with a beard like that... he ruled cool) so I was all like oooooh, when I saw this. The title is quite honestly one of the best lines I've ever read, and I'm book obsessed, so that's a compliment. Just - wow, how do you think up lines like that? It took my breathe away. I also loved the rebellion of it, and the interesting symmetry with the men or women standing outside the door - doing their job, letting someone die, just like him. Really clever, really... off putting. To choose a slower death... yeah, I think it fits with Senecys character a lot.

Oh, and shameless (mostly) plugging, I have a forum competition, where you enter the work you're most proud of, it would mean the world to me if you'd check it out - forum/The-Roses-of-War-Forum/128134/ - so if you do, THANK YOU.
3/17/2013 c1 6SparrowCries
Utterly brillant, a good character study and written beautifully. Great job! I like that you wrote about a lesser known character. I love the Hunger Games but more often that none it didn't do a very good job of giving characters other than the main characters development. This kind of gave Seneca meaning that the book and movie didn't. It is very believable and I sort of wish this is how the movie went.

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