Just In
for A Well-Disguised Blessing

4/9/2013 c3 5krasnyyelipkiyeomary
Eee, what will happen next? Don't answer that. Justvwrite it and update quick. Even though you updated today... err. Sorry. Just, POST HASTE! Mein gott, ich micht nicht an. Apologies. That was German by the way. Ialways thought HRE was Germany... RAMBLING! Sorry. Whatever, you'll get over it. Liebewhol, Loolie.
4/9/2013 c3 6Yurinnii
I'm really enjoying this! It's weird to think of the characters in this way, but it's not a bad thing! And I'm looking forward to what happens next!
4/8/2013 c2 3rightlywriter
I really hope you continue this! Please! :D
4/8/2013 c2 21GEMfaerie
Are you gonna continue this? I like it.
3/25/2013 c1 23Ravenwood316
Love this! Also I know why you had Holy Rome kicked out of the house but actually the house belonged to Holy Rome seeing how Austria was under the Holy Roman Empire's control at the time. Austria may have had control of Italy but Austria was more of Holy Rome's servent up till he went off to war so Austria really had no authoraty to throw him out of his own house.(going by real history not the anime/manga. My cousin is a world history major.) Keep up the good work and please update soon!
3/24/2013 c1 3wrathofnerds
Wow! What a way to start a fic. This is a much different tone then Schwenger [I think I spelled that correct]. I want to hit Austria across the face so much. Also, is Italy showing and is Holy Rome still shorter then Austria by a good two feet? Cause, I was getting a picture of Holy Rome being like 5' 4" to Austria's 6'. Still allowing for the height difference, but allowing Holy Rome to be tall enough to look like a teen, not a kid, as he is canonically portrayed.
3/22/2013 c1 Guest
I really like this, I would continue, pleases?
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