Just In
for Babysitting Tao

8/1/2013 c1 finderlov
this was funny i love it keep it up
7/31/2013 c6 17Kichou
Nice story. I enjoyed reading it. Update when you have the time, please.
7/26/2013 c6 Neko
This story is too funny! The great yakuzas playing truth or dare? Asami is jealous of a child? Aki is a kitten? (and collar amazing!) That game was priceless! I liked Asami and Akihito's questions. As for suggestions like Feilong said Tao must annoy Asami. Maybe Akihito and Tao can go out and get into trouble somehow. Then they can go an amusement park (Imagine that Asami's riding roller coaster!) And Asami can kill time with Akihito on the ferris wheel afterwards! I don't know this story is full of cracks and fluffs so just imagine what you want them do and write!
6/17/2013 c6 seeker88
here are some ideas: for ex. they could go to the park (akihito taoa and asami) or the zoo or just spend some time together some time home. or you could just write about them getting in trouble and asami saves them.
I wish i could give you better ideas but right now i have nothing.
please update soon this is really a good story
6/6/2013 c4 1DeathGirlTheReaper
Haha I love this story it has me laughing when it said Asami was reaching for his gun XD Please continue
3/29/2013 c5 JoEdgardHom
Oh My God .. Are you fine?
Keep going ..
3/28/2013 c5 Guest
Thank you for the update! I just love this story! Will be waiting for the next update!
3/28/2013 c5 8sculby563
great chapter. The best advice my DAD (whose male) gave my sister and I is 1. GUYS ARE STUPID 2. THEY DON'T GET BETTER BY MARRIAGE 3. YOU CAN'T FIX STUPID not matter how much duck tape you use. Your ex is a coward for texting a break up.
3/28/2013 c5 KyouyaxCloud
I agree with Aki statement about his ryuu;]

as always still amazing lemon*blush*
3/28/2013 c4 Chaozsama
Tao is just so sweet...
3/24/2013 c4 5muselove95
I'm gonna be honest I'm in love with this story keep up the good work. Truth or dare leading to a marriage proposal genius!
3/23/2013 c4 Guest
Loving this story! Keep the chapters coming!
3/23/2013 c4 nominatosay
Omg! I love it. I cant wait for more!
YAY! \(O)/ They are getting married!
& i don't think anyone would want to mess with Tao..well except Asami, only if Tao is touching or near Akihito. Lmao! (_)
3/23/2013 c4 22Nbsiren
lol! Asami has to be wary of Tao...
3/23/2013 c4 JoEdgardHom
Good story .. Hedeh
Asami pintar banget nipu hahaha
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