Just In
for Where Dwell the Brave at Heart

6/21/2018 c4 11RandomShtScinceWhenever
I thought the first was wonderful. At least, the stories behind the photographs were, though admittedly the present bits were kinda lacking. Either way, this was good. It would be a shame to see this abandoned, though after so many years, that is the only logical conclusion.
10/22/2013 c4 RazzATazz
Love, Love, Love your Sirius. I just can't get enough of love the relationship he has with Electra. I really want to read more of , Update, Update!
8/9/2013 c4 Birds on the Sunset
I love the marauders. I always have and I always will. But the way you write the Lupins. Especially Remus' dad. Wow. I adore them. I want to spend a weekend in the house with then and just sit there and watch them. I think I'd laught a lot.
7/17/2013 c4 8bkaddictjk
I thought that Lupin didn't have a pic of Nott...? I can't wait until that picture gets explained to Harry... I'm going to go and read your "The Gospel According to Lupin" again... :/
7/16/2013 c4 23RavenEcho
Lovely choice of a moment to talk about. Definitely realistic! Happy writing!
7/16/2013 c4 32Louey06
Brillinat. I have to say, your last lines just make the whole thing a million times better. this was great, i loved getting an all new chapter. I can see them enjoying the fair. james and asiriu doing all the crazy stuff, occasionally with remus i tow, and peter waiting anxiously biting his nails in fear his friends will die. Sunds like very good day! Wonderful chapter i really liked it
7/10/2013 c3 23RavenEcho
I'm quite enjoying the rewrite! Thanks for putting forth such effort; I loved it the first time around and now I'm even happier seeing how you're going about refining it. Keep up the wonderful work, you've got at least one happy reader (and several more besides me, I'm sure) on this end of things! ;-)

Happy writing!
7/8/2013 c3 17Snarky64
The whole scene here I found hilarious, especially the banter between the three of them about duelling with their privates! Lupin as the long-suffering sensible one is always good value. A super chapter, thanks.
7/6/2013 c3 Lara140112
Liked this a lot, quite funny actually. Thanky for sharing.
7/5/2013 c3 6Rayven49
I love the dialogue in this chapter. It just flies, and it's so witty. Absolutely wonderful and irreverent. The line Peter has at the end, about wanting to be friends with Lupin's dad while Lupin writes them disappointed letters was hysterical. One so rarely sees clever Peter. It was nice.
Was Sirius actually on the Quidditch team, or did you create that? I don't remember it. Do you have him as Chaser? I think that's an interesting character choice, especially that James tolerates him prioritizing a girl over the game. Guess it shows how far James'll lean for his best mate :)
Can't wait for more!
7/5/2013 c3 8bkaddictjk
The boy who almost collected embarrassing photos XD I should start carrying a camera...
7/5/2013 c3 32Louey06
Brilliant. i loved the bit on Mr Lupin. he is probably the coolest man ever to walk the planet, I'm sure remus wold bickering was super cute as always, poor peter just can;t catcha break, he should know better though, really. great chapter, i cannot wait for more!
7/5/2013 c3 44Kazo Sakamari
So glad you updated! Can't wait for the next chapter!
Any chance of you doing something with Sirius' family or something of the like...? I'd love to read about that!
7/4/2013 c3 ceb
Nice to see an update to this story - I thoroughly enjoyed this chapter. Keep it up!
7/4/2013 c3 Rea558750
I love this story can't wait for more
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