Just In
for Violet

2/7/2021 c18 Laurelin14
I really liked the story so far but the end...
Really? Jack and Violet?
That‘s no match!

Violet and Mr. Pullings would have been a nice couple. Or even Violet and Peter, but Jack? Now. I‘m sorry.

But I do fancy the rest of your story! It‘s quite nice and handsome to read :)
Thanks for sharing it!
1/16/2019 c18 43BenRG
Real Life Facts: Royal Naval ships in the Napoleonic Wars did have mixed-gender crews. Female crewmembers were usually spouses of other crew members and often worked either in stores, the galley or the sick bay. G

iven Violet's... er... experience (it won't take long for the noncoms to realise that she is 'Midshipman DeVere'), I expect her to get instant seniority and any newbie who cheeks her to be warned that they face the lash for disrespecting an 'officer' who has served with the crew before.
1/16/2019 c17 BenRG
"Captain, in your practiced judgement as an experienced sailor, how likely was this meeting?"

"Frankly, Miss DeVere, I feel it was inevitable."
1/16/2019 c16 BenRG
"Why am I upset Steven? For god's sake, why do you think? The best cadet I've trained in years and HE turns out to be a SHE? You know that I was looking forward to congratulate DeVere on his Sub Lieutenancy when we got back to England!"



"Get. Drunk."
1/16/2019 c15 BenRG
"I didn't lie, Steven. Violet DeVere is dead. I have no doubt in my mind that the young woman in the Cockpit recovering from a pistol wound is not recognisable as that... haradian's daughter."
1/16/2019 c14 BenRG
I would simply have said this to Jack: "Captain, returning me to my parents would be a death sentence. either at their hands or at the hands of the monster to whom they fully intend to sell me. If that is you final decision, I would be grateful for a pistol shot to the head. It would be quicker and considerably less painful. Sir."
1/16/2019 c13 BenRG
I suspect that Steven feels very, very foolish for missing something like this after weeks (possibly MONTHS) at sea, working in very close quarters with Violet. He shouldn't worry and neither should Jack. It's amazing what you can get used to and Midshipman DeVere was too promising a seaman to worry excessively about the nagging sense that something was wrong about 'him'.
1/16/2019 c11 BenRG
I always found this scene a bit fantastical. The thought that a non-surgeon, no matter how well read, could have carried out an emergency trauma surgery after reading a few anatomy books? Or that a Marine officer would have fired a live musket across decks without checking his target?
1/16/2019 c10 BenRG
The fact was that Midshipman Hollom had decided that he needed to die; I think he may have decided it some time ago. When someone decides that, it's difficult to persuade them otherwise and this was an era before any meaningful understanding of depression and suicidal ideation. Violet and William would have been completely untrained to see the warnings, let alone help their friend.
1/16/2019 c9 BenRG
Fortunately for Violet, rough sailors' humour would assume the curtsey was an ill-timed attempt at sarcasm and irony.
1/16/2019 c8 BenRG
Jack is the sort of person who is taking the surprise attack as a personal insult and intends to repay it. He's a brilliant commander but the minute you let things get personal you're already in the wrong.

I'm fairly sure Stephen knows that 'Victor' is a woman - A doctor of his skill would notice immediately her different gait and the different distribution of muscle, bone and fat in her face. However, the fact that he has not told Jack suggests that he is satisfied that, whoever this person is, they are not a threat to the Surprise or her crew. Indeed, 'Mr DeVere' is a proficient enough sailor and fighter that her continued presence at her station might actually be to the ship's benefit!
1/16/2019 c7 BenRG
I think that Violet would be surprised to learn that she literally did everything right. She obeyed orders, kept her crew functional and didn't hesitate to jump literally at whatever command Jack gave. In other words, she acted as an officer should.

Oh, and the bit about "I'm going to die". I'm pretty sure that every good soldier or sailor in history has had that voice chanting in their heads. Those that don't usually are the ones that end up dead because they don't have any natural caution or care about very real perils around them.
1/16/2019 c6 BenRG
Poor Jack is going to be heartbroken when he learns that Victor is Violet.
1/16/2019 c5 BenRG
Edward Johnson is probably going to learn just how many people 'just taking 40 winks' can kill.
1/16/2019 c4 BenRG
So much for a nice, easy jaunt to Spain and hiding there. She's going to the Galapagos Islands via Cape of Storms and probably one of the nastiest sustained engagements in the books!
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