Just In
for Violet

1/16/2019 c3 43BenRG
Jack really needs to petition to have the Surprise renamed the Troublemaker, because that seems to be firmly the nature of his junior officers right now!
6/25/2018 c9 the4sisterslife
I really like the story that you have written :)
1/5/2016 c18 5SelarahMorgan
I absolutely loved this story and read all of it in the last couple of hours. It is absolutely amazing for being your first story. I really wish you had written a sequel and I'm still wondering if it is a possibility that you might consider writing one? Anyway I loved it and wouldn't be opposed to more should you feel inclined to oblige me. ;)
5/8/2015 c18 54Knowing Grace
This story is FABULOUS! I love it so much! I felt as though I was on the ship alongside Violet, Jack, Stephen and the others. Such a wonderful tale! I am sure that I will read it again and again in the future...perhaps even tomorrow! :D
4/5/2015 c9 FieryRedSunrise
This is such an awesome story. I especially love the curtsying bit. That was hilarious!
2/23/2014 c18 4Eris'-twin-sister
Thank you so much, it was fantastic. Please write more stories, you're a wonderful writer.
2/21/2014 c18 8Ranger of Laketown
Awwww, no! It's over! :(
Haha, I loved the ending. I loved this whole story! It was great, a very impressive first fanfic!
One thing I will point out, though. Whenever you write the name of a ship, the ship's name should be italicized. Just thought I'd point that out, if you go on to write a nautical adventure novel or something (like I think you should.) :D
Wonderful story! I'm excited for more from you!
Here's an idea: YOU COULD DO A SEQUEL. *nudgenidgewinkwink* ;)
2/19/2014 c17 Marshall Fluff
I actually can't wait for the next update! I love this story so much!
2/21/2014 c18 1dormienticaputdraconis
Wow! I loved the ending :) Aw, it feels like I'm actually seeing all those old friends again on the Surprise :)
2/20/2014 c17 dormienticaputdraconis
Arrrgghh! I'm sitting on pins and needles waiting for the next update!
2/20/2014 c17 8Ranger of Laketown
These last few chapters have been great! I love Violet's interaction with the sailors. She doesn't let them push her around and I like that about her. :)
2/17/2014 c16 6Astaldowen
Once again, nice job! I think you've broken the record for world's fastest update there! ;) I liked Jack and Stephen here: they were very true to character. Update soon please!
2/17/2014 c16 1dormienticaputdraconis
Awww, I loved it! All of it! You've done really well with the transition between Violet's... genders? :P I like how they aren't suddenly treating her like glass (except the Captain, but he's the Captain... so... haha!) but they are decidedly uncomfortable and don't exactly know what to do :) Dying to see what happens next!
2/15/2014 c15 6Astaldowen
Good job! Update soon, please!
2/8/2014 c14 4Eris'-twin-sister
Wow! I did not see that last part coming. PLease update again soon.
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