Just In
for Butterfly

2/2/2017 c7 4I.S.Teigen
I seriously hope you are planning to update, cause tvis is some of the best stuff i have read in a long time!
2/11/2015 c1 Beatrice
Already love it.
1/4/2015 c1 Xxdazzled by twilightxX
What an intriguing story. I really hope you update soon. x
12/21/2014 c7 JustSu
This is the saddest story I've read in a long time. And I love it. Thank you.
Do you feel like completing it? Or AWA? It'd be a fantastic Christmas gift to get a new chapter from one of your stories.
Love and peace!
10/26/2014 c7 ChocolateChipCookiesXxo
Please update soon!
I can't wait to see where this story is leading.
Poor Bella, she's going through so much.
I despise her so called "mother".
I know Bella will get the happy ending she deserves.
Once again, please update soon!
10/22/2014 c7 Guest
My fav story! :*)
9/10/2014 c7 CallMeJazz
Wow this story is so intense. Poor bella, So sad that its like she has no one to talk. I hope ed can figure his feelin out for bella. she needs him. I mean pls dont make it too Angsty... its so tiring n depressing. update asap plsss. thx :)
9/5/2014 c7 HiraFrance
i feel sorry for B, I wanna cut some balls and diQs
9/4/2014 c7 twitoria
Dude you write the most layered characters...

You know when magicians endlessly pull that rainbow scarf out of their sleeves?... You're like that! It's so great to read.

September is such a bad time for people's mental states... Sorry to hear about yours. I'm in that boat with you. It's hard to disentangle yourself, but it is possible! Thanks for the chapter
9/3/2014 c7 Jennyraem
Oh my. I just flew through all 7 chapters, and I have to say that this fic is seriously under reviewed! Your writing is amazing. The story is gut wrenching. I love a fic that makes me feel what the characters are feeling, good or bad. And this one most definitely does. Thank you so much for the update. I can't wait for more!
9/3/2014 c7 hooker81
Renee is a sick woman
9/3/2014 c7 debslmac
I hope Edward convinces her to get some help
9/3/2014 c7 Wordyma
Yes, the words and flow feel really raw and hurt angry confused sad trapped. I'm right there with her. Helping me out of my own stuck pace. At least ignoring it :).
Thank you!
9/3/2014 c7 jule2
Bella really needs help. Lets hope Ed will push her to get help
9/3/2014 c7 4robsten63
My heart hurts.
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