Just In
for Fellowship Across the Universe Book 1

5/24/2014 c8 lillalil
Nice to read another chapter. Thanks, that you made it...Enjoyed it very much
11/6/2013 c7 1TwilightEclps
I love this!
It's so funny!
10/31/2013 c7 lillalil
Keep on PLEASE
10/30/2013 c7 1The Writer Akayla
This is a very good fanfiction. Keep on updating!
8/6/2013 c6 Emma D
I can say I've never seen these little things like never ending other wordpy supplies and such. Is very good. Plz continue :)
8/4/2013 c6 Music in the Memories
Ooh! :D

I'm liking this.

Please, do continue! :D
5/22/2013 c5 SprinklingStardust0596
He has a sled pulled by badass bunnies, your argument is invalid... OH MY GOSH I LOVE THAT! I literally laughed for 5 minutes when I read that! Good job you!
4/27/2013 c4 Smiles101
Keep up the brilliant work and update soon please :)
4/19/2013 c4 2HanVanHelsing
Great chapter!
4/9/2013 c2 HanVanHelsing
I read your story again! I think it has so much promise. I can't wait for her to meet the Co. Here is the thing, to have a great story, you need to change things because your character is now here, like the stone giants, she saves Bilbo but ends up falling and getting rescued, etc, or something like that. Cannot wait for an update.

4/8/2013 c3 5Madame Drago
Please update soon!
Can't wait to read more!
4/5/2013 c2 Wasp
The story you are setting up is fantastic. I suggest you do some more development on the main character. Also, you ether need to update more quickly or write much longer chapters.
4/6/2013 c3 2HanVanHelsing
Hi, I love girl falling into Middle Earth Stories. WIll be eagerly awaiting next chapter.

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