Just In
for The Twisted Cycle

10/21/2013 c1 Guest
The most awesome, creepiest shit I've ever read...
Thank you! Lol
10/14/2013 c1 12Princess Unikitty
cool idea for a story. nice use of detail.
7/31/2013 c1 77mrs.milfoy
I think I reviewed this story some time ago - before your unfortunate hack perhaps. I think it's brilliant. I'm darkly fascinated by Malfoycest, and think this piece is well delivered and rooted in psychology. You translated Draco's inner turmoil well, and your Narcissa is a haunting sort of willing victim, surrendered to a fate and desiring it. Excellent work!
4/16/2013 c1 51cherryredxx
Very interesting story. I have to admit that I found myself cringing during the smut; I feel like you could have paid a lot less attention to the actual sex because your point easily could have been made without such graphic detail. That said, however, I can also understand your choice to do so. I think the whole premise is both intriguing and horrifying. I can see where it would fit into a family like the Malfoys (or the Blacks, really) because they are so prideful of their blood purity that they'd do just about anything to keep their bloodline as such. So, all in all, this really isn't the type of story that I'd be interested in reading or writing regularly, but I can definitely appreciate both the plot and the writing. I think it's safe to say that you accomplished what you'd set out to achieve.
3/28/2013 c1 berrycharm
This was very good :D

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