4/11/2016 c1 purpleradiance
ohmygod this was great! 4th time reading it and I'm amazed every time. don't let the jackass comments get you down! you are super talented and they can't even write out their insults coherently
ohmygod this was great! 4th time reading it and I'm amazed every time. don't let the jackass comments get you down! you are super talented and they can't even write out their insults coherently
5/24/2013 c1
Ooo Chris, you naughty girl! I loved this! My imagination has been going uberly crazy reading this. More of this please :D

Ooo Chris, you naughty girl! I loved this! My imagination has been going uberly crazy reading this. More of this please :D
5/10/2013 c1
Amazing xD It fit well with their personalities and I like how the end kind of promised something more to be in store for them! Good job!

Amazing xD It fit well with their personalities and I like how the end kind of promised something more to be in store for them! Good job!
4/12/2013 c1 ohboyyyyyyyyy
Just going to say (as someone who has been on here for a while, but only a year and a half, so I'm not QUITE an expert) that I hope you do not take negative comments too badly. I was reading this story a few days ago and decided to come back to it because something interested me. Normally, I do not read WolfStar (Remus/Sirius). I do not usually enjoy that pairing, in a romantic sense. Do I think Sirius would crush on Remus? Yes! Do I think Remus and Sirius belonged together? For the most part, no, I don't. (Though, that is a discussion for another day.) However, your beautiful writing temporarily put me into a position I usually don't find myself in: I was TRULY fascinated by this story. It captivated my attention within the first paragraph and I read the entire thing in a fervor, peeking at it every few minutes under my desk in Spanish class. It is a beautifully written, sweet story that only comes around every now and then. I don't know if this is your FIRST account on here or how old you are, but I honestly want to say, for someone who has not had this account for even a month, you have serious talent. This story is fantastic! (And I don't say that lightly.)
But, the real reason I am leaving this lengthy review is to say that you need to ignore the two negative reviews left on this story. (Yes, I checked. I was curious why there weren't MORE reviews for such a beautiful story.) Those two people-one who was too scared to even log in and insult you under their own account-don't know what they're talking about. Your story does NOT suck and it is NOT trash. It is one of the best WolfStar stories I have ever read, and anyone who says otherwise is merely trying to bait you.
I'm not going to act like I have some secret knowledge about how to keep away the flamers and the trolls; I don't. But I am going to say, I hope that two bad reviews don't shake you. In fact, I hope a HUNDRED bad reviews don't shake you, (though, somehow, I doubt you'd ever get a hundred bad reviews) because they don't mean anything. For every nasty word they wrote, I hope you understand there are twenty or thirty other people sitting at a computer, typing out words of praise for your stories. AND THEY MEAN IT.
When I had first started out here, I had one multichapter that I felt was my best thing ever. I got one, ONE, bad review, and it shook me up. Suddenly, the twenty-three other GOOD reviews no longer mattered. All I could focus on was the one BAD one. It frightened me and I just want to make sure no one else ever feels that way. Especially when they write as well as you do.
I'm going to favorite you and follow you, as well as leave this review. It has nothing to do with those two nasty bullies, it has to do with the fact that you are a TALENTED and SKILLED writer, and I hope you understand that. I hope you understand that there are mean people out there who only want to tear you down. Don't let them do that.
I'm here for you, in case you ever want to PM about anything. And, once again, please continue writing, because I think you are really going somewhere with this talent of yours. Good job and good luck.
Just going to say (as someone who has been on here for a while, but only a year and a half, so I'm not QUITE an expert) that I hope you do not take negative comments too badly. I was reading this story a few days ago and decided to come back to it because something interested me. Normally, I do not read WolfStar (Remus/Sirius). I do not usually enjoy that pairing, in a romantic sense. Do I think Sirius would crush on Remus? Yes! Do I think Remus and Sirius belonged together? For the most part, no, I don't. (Though, that is a discussion for another day.) However, your beautiful writing temporarily put me into a position I usually don't find myself in: I was TRULY fascinated by this story. It captivated my attention within the first paragraph and I read the entire thing in a fervor, peeking at it every few minutes under my desk in Spanish class. It is a beautifully written, sweet story that only comes around every now and then. I don't know if this is your FIRST account on here or how old you are, but I honestly want to say, for someone who has not had this account for even a month, you have serious talent. This story is fantastic! (And I don't say that lightly.)
But, the real reason I am leaving this lengthy review is to say that you need to ignore the two negative reviews left on this story. (Yes, I checked. I was curious why there weren't MORE reviews for such a beautiful story.) Those two people-one who was too scared to even log in and insult you under their own account-don't know what they're talking about. Your story does NOT suck and it is NOT trash. It is one of the best WolfStar stories I have ever read, and anyone who says otherwise is merely trying to bait you.
I'm not going to act like I have some secret knowledge about how to keep away the flamers and the trolls; I don't. But I am going to say, I hope that two bad reviews don't shake you. In fact, I hope a HUNDRED bad reviews don't shake you, (though, somehow, I doubt you'd ever get a hundred bad reviews) because they don't mean anything. For every nasty word they wrote, I hope you understand there are twenty or thirty other people sitting at a computer, typing out words of praise for your stories. AND THEY MEAN IT.
When I had first started out here, I had one multichapter that I felt was my best thing ever. I got one, ONE, bad review, and it shook me up. Suddenly, the twenty-three other GOOD reviews no longer mattered. All I could focus on was the one BAD one. It frightened me and I just want to make sure no one else ever feels that way. Especially when they write as well as you do.
I'm going to favorite you and follow you, as well as leave this review. It has nothing to do with those two nasty bullies, it has to do with the fact that you are a TALENTED and SKILLED writer, and I hope you understand that. I hope you understand that there are mean people out there who only want to tear you down. Don't let them do that.
I'm here for you, in case you ever want to PM about anything. And, once again, please continue writing, because I think you are really going somewhere with this talent of yours. Good job and good luck.
4/5/2013 c1
6Plucky Lion
I love this pairing. They fit so well together :) And chance of a continuation or a sequel ?

I love this pairing. They fit so well together :) And chance of a continuation or a sequel ?
4/1/2013 c1
i dont know you have not got more revoews that are not flames for this? i loved it! you are a wonderful writer!

i dont know you have not got more revoews that are not flames for this? i loved it! you are a wonderful writer!
3/29/2013 c1 Guest
Hey loser you suck!
Hey loser you suck!
3/28/2013 c1 JulieAnn
I just have one thing to say: I loved it all, especially the ending.
I just have one thing to say: I loved it all, especially the ending.
3/28/2013 c1
:D :D!Oh mmmyy!nicely written here,their reactions especially!Not confining their sexuality and still making it work!loool!They are funny afterwards!

:D :D!Oh mmmyy!nicely written here,their reactions especially!Not confining their sexuality and still making it work!loool!They are funny afterwards!
3/27/2013 c1 Venus1990
Ewww this poorly written awful shit was so gross yuck and your nasty unmaly shitty lover bitch bottom Sirius is disgusting baaaa,you suck and cant write to save your life!
Ewww this poorly written awful shit was so gross yuck and your nasty unmaly shitty lover bitch bottom Sirius is disgusting baaaa,you suck and cant write to save your life!