Just In
for Easter Eggs

7/14/2015 c1 10HufflePuffPatronus
You did not disgrace klaroline it was sick. Excellent job
2/17/2015 c1 multifandomshipper92
*fans self* hottt
2/8/2015 c1 goldenhummingbird
klaroline smut was so great!
1/27/2015 c1 o-Marta-o
I loved this. So playful but intense :)
11/17/2014 c1 jessnicole
great job
8/23/2014 c1 2Angels-heart1
Loved it!
6/25/2014 c1 GerKayM
You did not disgrace Klaroline in the slightest! If they were ever to get together, I imagine that to be exactly how they would act! Great job!
4/18/2014 c1 7Klarolinelover123
that was Hawwwttttt ! LoL i really loved this though seriosuly keep it up xx
4/15/2014 c1 Guest
This is perfect!
2/23/2014 c1 badaxx1723
You didn't that was epic!
10/3/2013 c1 Guest
no disgrace here! you did well.
can you do another drabble?
6/18/2013 c1 Guest
do another one like this!
6/12/2013 c1 ChairytaleLove
loved this story of Klaroline! everything about it was perfect.
4/3/2013 c1 jihan
awwww that was hot ! and incredible ! loved it 33
3/30/2013 c1 Lexana
Well that's certainly one way to celebrate Easter, lol.
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