Just In
for Echoes

5/15/2017 c1 7splattered.ink99
This is great - I love your writing and that's such a creative idea putting the parallels between TID and TMI! I was searching for a decent fanfic for ages and this stuff is great!
2/9/2017 c1 Athens1399
Love this! Great idea pulled off well!
- another devoted followed of great writer
4/25/2013 c1 ByTheAngelIsThatWillHerondale
Once again, fabulous.
No words :)))
4/2/2013 c1 Guest
GREAT! i luv it!
4/2/2013 c1 5DeUtvalda
Well, hello! 'Tis your devoted follower (cough stalker cough cough) reporting for duty! Aside from a few, easily ignored, typos/spelling errors, your devoted follower (hereafter referred to as "DS") believes that you are awesome. And your story, too. Along with TID and TMI and the altogether awesomeness of Cassandra Clare.
(Who owns the aforementioned series, just in case any lawyers come snooping around...)
4/1/2013 c1 dewikaka
oh yeah I REMEMBER this scene very much in Clockwork Angel...Will and Tessa and now Jace and Clary...past and future...I like it

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