Just In
for Hide and Seek

4/26/2013 c1 9Chimebelle
Wow this was so touching. And shocking too.. Ive always never quote comprehened what massacreing a clan means and this... Itvwas really ironic in the end and i felt so terrible for all of them. None of them deserved it. Hide and seek... Loved it.
4/13/2013 c1 9Shadows-Dancing-In-The-Hall
Oh my god I'm bawling now ;_; fantastic story! Very heartbreaking. Gah. Just remembering what Itachi went through kills me every time. Loved this story!
4/7/2013 c1 Composingjealousy
OMG MY FEELS WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME? omg but i loved it and i love you keep up the amazing work!
4/3/2013 c1 Darth-Taisha
So sad and very well written.
4/3/2013 c1 6Zerepak
Wow… just wow. That was so emotional, and I loved it!
4/3/2013 c1 4fleurdelislady
This is so sad but so great. You are awesome. I think it really portrays how the massacre would have went, because he didn't just kill adults. Poor Koemi, poor Itachi.
4/3/2013 c1 13WolvesKey
Aww, that was so sad, but very well written! It was very cute in the beginning and as the drama built, I found myself on the edge of my seat, it wasn't over the top at all. A very good glimpse at what could've been. Great job! :D

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