Just In
for Love can either conquer or destoy

7/19/2015 c12
Omg.. Please write the next chapter!
12/22/2014 c12 aminathsara62
amazing but please update soon. I so luv dis story.
I cant believe i actually said that. i am crying for real right now because...WHAT THE HELL DID RIN DO FOR HER LIFE TO BE SO MISERABLE! and its like neru put some sort of microchip in lens brain to control him or something.
please please please please im begging u to update soon cuz im in luv with your story.
and plz make len realize how he has betrayed rin and how neru is a slut that was only using him to hurt rin and make her life miserable.(pufff not like her life isnt miserable enough)!

10/30/2014 c12 26imafangirlforever
Aww.. why is this story on a hiatus? IT. IS. SO. GOOD. I cried (admittedly). I've already read your other story, ' r', and it's really good as well. Do you know when you'll update this?
6/11/2014 c12 AaAriasIII
i cannot believe that i'm gonna say this but: LEN, YOU BASTARD! HOW DARE BETRAY YOUR TWIN LIKE THIS! (Even thought they're not related in this story, but still.) I HATE YOU SO MUCH...but in a good way! :)
4/4/2014 c12 VocaloidandAnime
1/1/2014 c4 Lennylovrs15
Len calls her name and then betrays her?! Why would he kiss neru?! Neru is a slut! No one needs her stealing peoples man. She needs to find herself a man! I like how in the end Haku shows her smart abilities by telling neru to stop and how she won't change anything...Haku your my idol!
1/1/2014 c3 Lennylovrs15
Who said Rin's name at the end?!
1/1/2014 c2 Lennylovrs15
Okay I'm back!

Finally notices neru when she turned into a bitch trying to hurt rin.

Why would anyone want to hurt poor rin-chan

Neru: She's a witch in disguise!
Me: That is not nice

I see ur grammer has gotten better which is good at least Haku is playing the good guy for now which I thank youfor that now off to the next chapter!
1/1/2014 c1 Lennylovrs15
Cute but could use a little bit work on your grammar and sentences
12/14/2013 c12 KagamineAri
*twirls a frying pan* someone's gonna die.
UPDATE! Btw, Lenny you are DEAD.
11/15/2013 c12 1IA-K1002
I didn't review for the last chapter...I'm the worst friend ever ;_;
I had no internet for 6 weeks though, soooo...anyways

THANK YOU! :3 IT'S IA! IT'S FREAKING IA, FINALLY! :'3 this chapter just made my da-night, or whatever w

Please son't hate me for taking a long time to review :c But as I stated before, no internet :/ And school and stuff : Anywaaaaays...Good Miku, good ewe I like this Miku mode eue Keep at it.

Also, I saw the MikuoLovesRin thing coming .-. Probably because I'm a genius u

As for Neru...KILL THE SLUT, I HAET (wrong spelling cuz I want) HER.
I mean, who doesn't? o-o

Btw, can you update faster? :3 Also, I'll have to go for now because it's late c:

SeeU soon c:
10/23/2013 c11 Amy
That is a very terrible life...
10/23/2013 c8 Amy
10/23/2013 c6 Amy
10/17/2013 c12 61MizuneMinamiki
Rin took a shower? Deeeescribe it. With hot water to loosen her stiff muscles or cold because she needs to cool down or wake up?

Anywayssss. Wow. I was soooo shocked by this whole chapter. Rin's in deep crap right now, huh? But seriously, why would Len be so mean to her!? Did Neru implant a microchip in his brain telling him what to do!?

*gasp* Len's a mindless robot.

He deserved to get the crap beaten out of him by Mikuo.

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