Just In
for The Medical Student and his Protégé

9/5/2019 c3 11civilizedrevolutionary
Oh my goodness this is so sweet! I love the way you’ve given a little bit of backstory to Enjolras here, and the interactions between him and Combeferre are so great!
7/1/2017 c27 lumierehere
This was an amazing story! I really enjoyed reading the whole thing and cried many many times throughout. Combeferre is so gentle and I love how their relationship and develops over the course of the story! The frostbite episode scared me the most. I was terrified that there would be some lasting damage and I love how the scene was written with Enjolras trying to stay away and hoping that Ferre would find him. I love how you positioned the characters with Enjolras being younger than Combeferre and I also LOOOVVEE when Enjolras (at least in his youth) is protege to Combeferre! It's such an interesting dynamic when you think about how Enjolras grows up to be the leader, and although Combeferre is always his right-hand and guide, it's nice to think about their relationship where Enjolras is first "subordinate" and then grows to lead under Combeferre's guidance! I guessed that Courfeyrac would be the son Enjolras's age when it was first mentioned about the family of his abuser. It's kinda sad :( but it would definitely make for an interesting triumvirate dynamic later. I also really loved the role Feuilly had in his fic. Feuilly is so perceptive and I like that he didn't make snap judgments about Enjolras and was very open indeed. ANYWAY this was amazing and I loved it and thank you for writing it and sharing it with the world!
11/30/2016 c27 Guest
Oh mh goodness! I loved this story so much... Ferre and Enj are so sweet, and I love them! But when it was revealed who that evil could man is... :O Poor Courf, should he ever find out about his dad. I do hope you continue this, I love it!
6/8/2016 c27 Guest
Yes that would be nice that was a perfect ending
6/8/2016 c26 Guest
Yay he did it
6/8/2016 c25 Guest
No its not boring at all I love it so much I want to have a ENDING!
6/7/2016 c23 Guest
That was the darkest chapter in eny fanfiction I have evere read
6/7/2016 c22 Guest
Thank God and what is he going to think when he gets back home
6/7/2016 c21 Guest
Yes he was and I beat the next chapter will be awesome
6/7/2016 c20 Guest
I liked it I was expecting marious to show up first
6/7/2016 c19 Guest
A man I loved courfs parents we better see them again and that ending was just so saddddddd :( but still good though
6/7/2016 c18 Guest
I liked it and yay he's safe and alive he still has that cute on his head though and know he has frostbite
6/7/2016 c17 Guest
It did turn out ok and he better find him
6/7/2016 c16 Guest
I liked there conversation
6/6/2016 c14 Guest
I love her and that chapter was not boring at all and I loved there talk to gether
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