Just In
for Just You Watch

6/29/2013 c2 51MewMewExorcist
Loving it so far, it's hilarious! Honored to be your beta, Mewtwo, and keep it up!
5/21/2013 c1 10metallicgreen
Hi! You reviewed one of my stories a while back so it's time to return the favor!

Lol thank you for giving her a Magikarp! xD I like the humor in this story! Keep it up!
4/5/2013 c1 1shadowkiller168
2 things I need to say.

1: The story that you're putting out is alright and fairly unique. Ya know, starting out with a Magikarp.

2: This is the 60,000th Pokemon fanfiction there is, and you submitted it. How do you feel after reading that?
4/5/2013 c1 51MewMewExorcist
Hahaha, I love the last few paragraphs! I can totally imagine that - a pouting, stubborn Happiny, and a somewhat cheerful Dawn! Fantastic! Amazing! :D

Full of cheer. It's too late to be hyper. Keep it up!


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