Just In
for The Dead Effect

9/9/2016 c5 NEETsoc
Deadpool with no healing factor? What? Now he's just a psychotic merc.
4/15/2016 c1 Great Saiyaman54
Make a joke about a guy or girl villain having sex with your sword or gun up their ass
9/30/2015 c9 14Incognito74
Why is Tali not talking?, I NEED MORE TALI!
1/7/2014 c1 2XxTawn-ApartxX
Hi to all of those who follow this story. I (the author) would firstly just like to quickly thank everyone for supporting my work, I really appreciate it! Secondly, I would like to inform you that due to many mistakes and poor writing in the Dead Effect, I am going to re-write all the chapters.

I realised I have gotten most of the lore wrong for both ME and DP and obviously made some silly redundant mistakes along the way. Therefore, from here on out you can expect this fic to suit all the fans out there.

Finally, I would just like to thank Killuminator for suggesting and giving feedback constantly on my story. Check this guy out, he's amazing!

So please, continue supporting and reading the Dead Effect, share it and read my other works! Again much appreciated, thank you all.
12/4/2013 c7 1Selias
What's the point of doing a Deadpool fic if you take away his healing factor?
11/8/2013 c8 TheFallenGeneral
I thought maybe Wade would see his love interest, Death herself. Guess not. Oh well. Love Deadpool man, and you defiantly have his personality right.
8/7/2013 c1 trninjakiller
7/26/2013 c9 Dragonfang100
7/21/2013 c9 Mercwiththemouth
So now Grunt and Deadpool are rivals. It will be interesting to see how these two work together in the future. I do wonder if Deadpool's healing factor will be restored to full strenght later on.
7/15/2013 c8 yahiro365
This story is so freakin awesome! And you are really quite good at writing deadpool as if it were actually him! Great job! Anywho, I'll be looking forward to the next chapter!
7/14/2013 c8 4Dragonskyt
...For me you kind of screwed this chapter up with the whole Grim Reaper thing. You do realize he loves Death right? I mean the actual personification of Death, in girl form.
6/20/2013 c8 NeloAngelo
Damn...this story keeps getting better and better!
6/18/2013 c8 Mercwiththemouth
Nice work! It was good to see that you have revived and got him back his healing factor. Btw is his scars going to be healed now that he has been revived?
6/4/2013 c1 1ssVARRAINss
Hey Tawn, I have a new chapter, check it out
5/23/2013 c1 Guest
it alright
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