Just In
for Fifty Shades Of Rivalry

1/1/2022 c26 1I2want2knowu
I just found this story.
I apologize for not reviewing every chapter.
But I just could not stop reading.
I absolutely love your take on 50 shades.
I cannot wait for the next update.
Lots of love T
12/31/2021 c26 Vulcan Fire
Just discovered your story. Love it, can’t wait to see where you go next.
12/23/2021 c26 unicornlover99
love this story. can't wait for it to heat up and I know it will.
12/4/2021 c26 celia azul
I'm glad you are back and I think that they both need to visit their shrink b4 dating .
12/3/2021 c26 hugsforiain
Hi, in love with the story! Please update!
12/1/2021 c26 Susan
This ending is really disturbing...Ana & Christian are trying to forgive each other and begin to really like each other; but Ana's PO threatens quit if she continues to see Christian & she cancels their date by text message...I hope you fix this ...
12/1/2021 c26 Susan
Great story. Please continue. If Ana can forgive Christian why can't her security? Please continue...
11/27/2021 c26 ncbwater
Awww shit walls going back up
11/26/2021 c26 CLHB
Oh my! Can’t wait for the next update!
11/23/2021 c26 Mineangels2
I truly hope you are able to update soon.
11/23/2021 c26 velosews
She needs to talk to Angela.
11/22/2021 c23 velosews
Great breakthrough for both of them.
11/22/2021 c21 velosews
This is a good turn of events. Everyone's calling Christian out on his behaviour. Even Ros.
11/22/2021 c19 velosews
Ana’s great at being careful.
11/22/2021 c18 velosews
He really has no clue.
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