Just In
for When the Wolf Runs

5/4/2013 c13 Alyssa Mason
Well, on that note, Rose *ahem* Bad Wolf is a hot mess.
5/4/2013 c12 Alyssa Mason
whoa. this has been one craaazy, drama-filled chapter
5/4/2013 c11 Alyssa Mason
Wow, the auspense is seriously killing I blowing up your email yet? :p
5/4/2013 c10 Alyssa Mason
Ahh! The Doctor and Rose need to meet already!
And I DO absolutely adore your style of writing. It's quite refreshing, you seem to get all if the characters just right and the plot is great!
5/4/2013 c9 Alyssa Mason
Oh, I've always adored Jack!
5/4/2013 c8 Alyssa Mason
okay so MAYBE i might have expected a reunion. I was quite hopeful, actually.
5/4/2013 c7 Alyssa Mason
oh,, Larentia
5/4/2013 c6 Alyssa Mason
oi! Rory!
5/4/2013 c21 63The Alternative Source
(head on computer) Totally evil. I'm tearing up over here. You know what, let's not lie. I'm crying over here. I was playing Audiomachine's "The Truth" while reading this. When the ending came up while listening to this I was like, "NOOOOOOOO!" You're evil...but totally brilliant my dear. But still mainly evil.

P.S. That letter...her finding out about River...I can't even imagine that happening to me. I can't imagine how she's handling it. And now that the Doctor's got her within reach hopefully he'll never let her go.
5/2/2013 c18 Guest1
It was slightly fast-paced, but things like this do not normally require attending to the Witch of the 44th floor's quest (and down that aggravating line...!); point being lost back there, these sort of situations are almost completely based on first reactions. It sounds like she is closer to forgiving herself of that tragedy. Is Doctor still a self-appointed Janitor (snrk. Serves him right for constantly sticking his companions in like positions!) across time and space for the wolf?
5/4/2013 c5 Alyssa Mason
Yikes! I'd hate to be the Warden right now.
5/3/2013 c20 supernena25
The Doctor lost the Ponds already? Could Rose get them back? I love them, if she came back then maybe they can too
5/3/2013 c4 Alyssa Mason
aw :( poor Warden's still left alone in the universe.
5/3/2013 c3 Alyssa Mason
I do love Rose/Warden's personality. It's a refreshing change, with the perfect dose of cleverness that'll surely surprise the doctor when he comes into play!
5/3/2013 c2 Alyssa Mason
I do wonder where you're going with the plot, though! I'm actualky on ch. 4, but forgot to review the other chappies, so I'm gettin on that now! haha
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