5/3/2013 c21
Thanks for the feels. Gonna go hide in my corner with a tub of ice cream now.

Thanks for the feels. Gonna go hide in my corner with a tub of ice cream now.
5/3/2013 c21
Gah! What is this cruel and unusual punishment? Oh god, the feels... River and Rory and Amy all at once? Not fair... Though technically they could run into River again since its all out of order with her anyway... Still, that's pretty damned painful.
As for name changes... She probably won't go back to Rose, but she might go back to The Wolf.. Or, ooh, what about The Nurse? Travels with the Doctor and it's a tribute to Rory...

Gah! What is this cruel and unusual punishment? Oh god, the feels... River and Rory and Amy all at once? Not fair... Though technically they could run into River again since its all out of order with her anyway... Still, that's pretty damned painful.
As for name changes... She probably won't go back to Rose, but she might go back to The Wolf.. Or, ooh, what about The Nurse? Travels with the Doctor and it's a tribute to Rory...
5/3/2013 c19
63The Alternative Source
You are evil! I think you enjoy keeping me on the edge of my seat you evil evil writer. (glares and turns away). That ending was lovely. But you're still evil!

You are evil! I think you enjoy keeping me on the edge of my seat you evil evil writer. (glares and turns away). That ending was lovely. But you're still evil!
5/3/2013 c20
I was so happy! ''Oh yay! It's the Face of Bo/Jack!'' Two fucking seconds later: "FUCK NO!"

I was so happy! ''Oh yay! It's the Face of Bo/Jack!'' Two fucking seconds later: "FUCK NO!"
5/1/2013 c17 Charlotte Marie
I want to make this a movie...
I want to make this a movie...
5/1/2013 c17 Charlotte Marie
I love you.
I love you.
5/3/2013 c20
I liked the last three chapters (also, I'm amazed by your update speed). I like that you didn't drag out the Mercy chapter for too long, and you didn't make it identical to the episode. I also like that Rose gave River the Vortex Manipulator, and that she finds out that the face of Boe (which, by the way, is spelled with the 'e' at the end) is Jack. Also, the Jack/River part amuses me.

I liked the last three chapters (also, I'm amazed by your update speed). I like that you didn't drag out the Mercy chapter for too long, and you didn't make it identical to the episode. I also like that Rose gave River the Vortex Manipulator, and that she finds out that the face of Boe (which, by the way, is spelled with the 'e' at the end) is Jack. Also, the Jack/River part amuses me.
5/3/2013 c20 makiva
Nope. Nopenopenope. Now both of them are grieving. That's not gonna be a fairytale reunion.
Nope. Nopenopenope. Now both of them are grieving. That's not gonna be a fairytale reunion.