Just In
for When the Wolf Runs

4/26/2013 c13 3Copper Rain
I... think I might love you because you update so fast. But seriously though, I love where this is going and can't wait to read more! :)
4/26/2013 c13 Naivaraeladrin
I think i do that odd little dance when i see new chapters up on stories i like. :) almost seems kinda rushed, but that may be just me.

I love the story though, Its been interesting so far and I have found myself rereading it a couple times waiting for the next chapter to come out :)
4/26/2013 c12 5fhdkjldsfkj
Well then.
4/26/2013 c12 Inactive Account I
You are offically my favourite person. You write amazing stuff and you update regularly! Thank you so much!
4/26/2013 c12 5ericasfandom
Not sure if I've reviewed...but this story is absolute brilliance. Can't wait to read more, thank you for sharing. :)
4/26/2013 c12 whogatefirelordgirl
4/25/2013 c12 17shadowneko003
Ooohhhh, this is getting really really really good!
4/25/2013 c12 4Adele365
Oh, my... Fantastic, indeed! (And I totally read that word in Nine's accent...) I'm curious how they managed to force rose into the suit, but I guess if they put her in it while she was out that would work. I'm not gonna lie, I am so very much looking forward to Batshit!Angry!Rose. Somehow I'm picturing a combination of nine and the master for her, the survivors guilt combines with pure brain crackage and more power than any one being has any right to... Anyway you do it's gonna be fun, though. Until next time!
4/25/2013 c12 skidney
Another awesome chapter!
4/25/2013 c12 3charm13insomnia
ooww that was so abrupt and raw well we all new she would snap sooner or later
looking forwards to the next chapter
4/23/2013 c10 iPromisedForever
Fantastic chapter and kinda ironic that you posted this chapter on 4/23 since its the day the Doctor died :p
4/25/2013 c12 29Hudine
Please tell me he isn't really dead. Dunno if I can read anymore if he is
4/25/2013 c11 5fhdkjldsfkj
4/25/2013 c12 17You Light The Sky

But in all honesty, I adore this chapter for the emotional turmoil you've put me through. The beginning starts off beautifully with the Doctor trying to warn Amy and Rory that the daughter they're holding isn't theirs... only to find that he's too late (and isn't that something? He's always too late and he's a time traveller, a Lord of Time who just can't seem to grasp enough of it.) Rory is bitter and his thoughts on Larentia-that if she was here they would have saved Melody-are heartbreaking. His initial anger at River Song is also heartbreaking as well...

Poor River. She was saved from the Silence but she couldn't let her parents know who she was in her childhood. That had to hurt a lot. But at least Rory knows that Larentia didn't abandon him. I wonder how he feels that his friend has taken the place of his daughter as the Silence's captive... oh god... I hope he and Jack get angry on her behalf.

But Rose. Poor Rose having to kill teh Doctor, unable to stop it. I'm glad you didn't pull anything from "The Wedding of River Song" where River magically stops his death. I'm glad you had Rose have to kill him for good. The emotional payoff is wonderful. Rose is now angry and broken in so many ways. God help Madam Kovarian if Amy Pond (since she never did get to raise her child), Rory or Bad-Wolf-Rose finds her. I liked your descriptions of how afraid the Silence were of Rose. That they always thought that Bad Wolf was a children's tale (but oh no it's not...)

Now Rose is filled wiht anger and insanity. She's going to try to bond with her TARDIS to destroy the Silence and her compassion is eaten away. Doctor, when she finds out that you're alive it wont' be pretty.

God, I'm afraid that he's going to hate her for what happened to Pete's World. I'm so afraid of what that will do to Rose. I hope her friends will support her. I'm so afraid and excited, as per usual. You write a thrilling story.

God, I think I'm crying.

Flip, this was an amazing chapter (sobs some more for Rose)
4/25/2013 c6 5fhdkjldsfkj
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