Just In
for Emily Von Trapp: Reunion 12 years Later

7/1/2021 c1 1reisova
5/22/2020 c4 4JulieAndrewsDreamer
Love it soooo much please update this story
10/23/2013 c4 Avamys
Please update!
8/1/2013 c4 A Light in the Night
I expected Georg to say something, but I guess he will in the next chapter. Great job!
7/31/2013 c3 A Light in the Night
Aww, I feel bad for Georg; he seems to really be missing Emily. Great chapter!
6/3/2013 c2 Eponine Cinead-Enjolras
SO cute
5/4/2013 c2 A Light in the Night
Hahaha the pranks part was tubby! Great idea for a sequel! I wonder how Georg is going to react to her being marked!
4/21/2013 c2 Guest
Awesome story!
4/23/2013 c2 2som04
I loved your last story. and I guess i will this one too. cant wait to see where you go with it, and hope you back very soon. keep up the great work.

:) :)
4/13/2013 c2 LoveJulie35
great story. can't wait for more. Update soon.

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