11/20/2019 c7 A guy
Continue or we will throw food
Continue or we will throw food
1/8/2017 c4 Guest
Orb weaver? Seriously that's the lamest hero name ever since squirrel girl.
Orb weaver? Seriously that's the lamest hero name ever since squirrel girl.
6/8/2015 c7 FasterThanTheFlash
Love your spectacular spider man ff, when will the next chapter be published
Love your spectacular spider man ff, when will the next chapter be published
3/13/2015 c7
I think black canary and black widow might have an interesting friendship

I think black canary and black widow might have an interesting friendship
9/29/2014 c7 oscarhan168
This story is so great! please write some more, perhaps involving a bit of Gwen's relationship with Peter. A bit of romance never hurts.
This story is so great! please write some more, perhaps involving a bit of Gwen's relationship with Peter. A bit of romance never hurts.
7/23/2014 c7
You and your freaking cliff hangers, Cat. I'm not gonna gripe too much, because that's part of storytelling and it's not what I'm freaking out about. Okay, I'm freaking out about it, but my point is that there's another thing I'm freaking out about. How many times is Peter gonna be critically injured like this? He's Spider-Man, for God's sake - he's the only one with powers and is, let's be honest, more dangerous and resilient than the rest of the team combined (Black Cat excluded). Shouldn't he, no offense, not get his ass kicked so much? I mean, until the cure thing at the end, it felt like his role in Secrets was to get the $#!# beat out of him so that the girls could get pissed off and motivated. And now this?
My issues with Spidey's combat skill aside, it was a good chapter in terms of following through with the previous cliff hanger and leading into what comes next. The fight between Venom and Carnage was good - it was all fangs and claws and spit, very animalistic and energetic. I think that savage attitude is a great way to portray the symbiotes. I have to say, in all honesty, that Venom's dialogue was a little stiff. "You put up a good fight, child," sounds like and austere vampire lord or something. A New Yorker in his late teens/early twenties with a bad attitude would, in my opinion, speak a little more loosely. "Not bad for a _ (insert insulting name here)," would make more sense to me. I'm officially rambling on this point, for which I apologize.
Extra Snazzy BONUS Answer: Marvel's Ghost Rider and DC's John Constantine. They're both based in the world of magic, like a lot of characters, but they're not goody-two-shoes light magic like Dr. Strange, nor are they straight up dark magic like Etrigan. They're two very complicated anti-heroes who fight against the darker mystical forces of the universe, and I think they would relate to each other in that sense.

You and your freaking cliff hangers, Cat. I'm not gonna gripe too much, because that's part of storytelling and it's not what I'm freaking out about. Okay, I'm freaking out about it, but my point is that there's another thing I'm freaking out about. How many times is Peter gonna be critically injured like this? He's Spider-Man, for God's sake - he's the only one with powers and is, let's be honest, more dangerous and resilient than the rest of the team combined (Black Cat excluded). Shouldn't he, no offense, not get his ass kicked so much? I mean, until the cure thing at the end, it felt like his role in Secrets was to get the $#!# beat out of him so that the girls could get pissed off and motivated. And now this?
My issues with Spidey's combat skill aside, it was a good chapter in terms of following through with the previous cliff hanger and leading into what comes next. The fight between Venom and Carnage was good - it was all fangs and claws and spit, very animalistic and energetic. I think that savage attitude is a great way to portray the symbiotes. I have to say, in all honesty, that Venom's dialogue was a little stiff. "You put up a good fight, child," sounds like and austere vampire lord or something. A New Yorker in his late teens/early twenties with a bad attitude would, in my opinion, speak a little more loosely. "Not bad for a _ (insert insulting name here)," would make more sense to me. I'm officially rambling on this point, for which I apologize.
Extra Snazzy BONUS Answer: Marvel's Ghost Rider and DC's John Constantine. They're both based in the world of magic, like a lot of characters, but they're not goody-two-shoes light magic like Dr. Strange, nor are they straight up dark magic like Etrigan. They're two very complicated anti-heroes who fight against the darker mystical forces of the universe, and I think they would relate to each other in that sense.
7/23/2014 c6 LHStyle
Grr. Arg.
Stupid non-chapter. I'm going to review this just because you said not too. So there. Ahem...
The section of apologies was a fitting way to begin an interim chapter. It also gives the impression of humility, which is an important point when you're trying to appease angry readers.
Your description of a heavy workload is certainly an understandable point. On the other hand, any list of obstacles can begin to sound like you are making excuses for the delay. Your tendency to point out positives within the negatives lessens this effect tremendously.
I thought your description of the emotions involved with losing your computer data was believable and relatable, although I don't believe I felt the full emotional impact of the event. In the future, I would recommend discussing traumatic events in greater depth, to give a more powerful impression of the toll they take.
The content of the final section was disappointing. I was hoping to learn that more updates would be coming soon, and I feel a little let down. The descriptions of projectiles and your abashed expression were innocently humorous, as opposed to the smutty sort of humor that other writers employ. I admire your ability to be amusing and tasteful at the same time. On the other hand, the manner in which those two descriptions were inserted is not grammatically correct. I understand that the suspension of normal grammar is part of the humor, so I won't hound you on that point.
Overall, I find your writing to be open and engaging. Your word choice and sentence structure are loose enough to avoid being bogged down by strict grammar, but are still disciplined enough for you to convey your message clearly and intelligently.
Until next time,
Grr. Arg.
Stupid non-chapter. I'm going to review this just because you said not too. So there. Ahem...
The section of apologies was a fitting way to begin an interim chapter. It also gives the impression of humility, which is an important point when you're trying to appease angry readers.
Your description of a heavy workload is certainly an understandable point. On the other hand, any list of obstacles can begin to sound like you are making excuses for the delay. Your tendency to point out positives within the negatives lessens this effect tremendously.
I thought your description of the emotions involved with losing your computer data was believable and relatable, although I don't believe I felt the full emotional impact of the event. In the future, I would recommend discussing traumatic events in greater depth, to give a more powerful impression of the toll they take.
The content of the final section was disappointing. I was hoping to learn that more updates would be coming soon, and I feel a little let down. The descriptions of projectiles and your abashed expression were innocently humorous, as opposed to the smutty sort of humor that other writers employ. I admire your ability to be amusing and tasteful at the same time. On the other hand, the manner in which those two descriptions were inserted is not grammatically correct. I understand that the suspension of normal grammar is part of the humor, so I won't hound you on that point.
Overall, I find your writing to be open and engaging. Your word choice and sentence structure are loose enough to avoid being bogged down by strict grammar, but are still disciplined enough for you to convey your message clearly and intelligently.
Until next time,
7/23/2014 c5 LHStyle
Okay I'm going to point out a minor detail while I collect myself. In the opening scene of the chapter, the italics of Spider-Angel's dialogue continue past the quotation itself, so that Angel's name is also italicized where it should not be. And now I've collected myself... Okay so that's a lie. What the HELL just happened? IS THAT VENOM? I think that's what you were implying, and, well, shit. That's bad. That's a lot of bad. You and you're freaking cliff hangers.
Extra Snazzy BONUS Answer: I say, "If you really cared, I'm sure you'd already know."
Okay I'm going to point out a minor detail while I collect myself. In the opening scene of the chapter, the italics of Spider-Angel's dialogue continue past the quotation itself, so that Angel's name is also italicized where it should not be. And now I've collected myself... Okay so that's a lie. What the HELL just happened? IS THAT VENOM? I think that's what you were implying, and, well, shit. That's bad. That's a lot of bad. You and you're freaking cliff hangers.
Extra Snazzy BONUS Answer: I say, "If you really cared, I'm sure you'd already know."
7/23/2014 c4 LHStyle
Okay, now that my initial confusion has died down, I'm warming up to the idea that Carnage sees himself as a sort of hero. It's becoming less bizarre and more intriguing. I think the thing that did it was when he let those people in the alley live. That was so different from how I see the character that I couldn't help but develop a strong curiosity. And way to give a guy a heart attack, with that scene with Peter on the building and a symbiote obviously nearby. I was SO SCARED. (Curls into a fetal position to cry.) Glad to see Harry in uniform without any signs of insanity. Good. That means I won't have to murder a fictional character. The suit you described for him sounds incredibly badass.
Extra Snazzy BONUS Answer: DC's Blight (Batman Beyond) Marvel's Thor Broly from Dragonball Z. He's massive, the ultimate force of destruction, with biceps the size of your head, and can unleash enough raw energy to annihilate a city. And that luxuriant blonde hair, that only a Dragonball character (or Thor) can have.
I'm sorry for using a DBZ character here if, like many, you hate it, but I promise you Broly was different. You can PM me for details if you like, I swear I'm not lying here.
Okay, now that my initial confusion has died down, I'm warming up to the idea that Carnage sees himself as a sort of hero. It's becoming less bizarre and more intriguing. I think the thing that did it was when he let those people in the alley live. That was so different from how I see the character that I couldn't help but develop a strong curiosity. And way to give a guy a heart attack, with that scene with Peter on the building and a symbiote obviously nearby. I was SO SCARED. (Curls into a fetal position to cry.) Glad to see Harry in uniform without any signs of insanity. Good. That means I won't have to murder a fictional character. The suit you described for him sounds incredibly badass.
Extra Snazzy BONUS Answer: DC's Blight (Batman Beyond) Marvel's Thor Broly from Dragonball Z. He's massive, the ultimate force of destruction, with biceps the size of your head, and can unleash enough raw energy to annihilate a city. And that luxuriant blonde hair, that only a Dragonball character (or Thor) can have.
I'm sorry for using a DBZ character here if, like many, you hate it, but I promise you Broly was different. You can PM me for details if you like, I swear I'm not lying here.
7/23/2014 c3 LHStyle
Wait what? Carnage is playing vigilante now? I know his version of crime fighting isn't really a good thing, but I'm not too sure how I feel about him wanting to play hero in any fashion. I always think of him as more of a Joker type - in the immortal words of Alfred Pennyworth, "Some men just want to watch the world burn." I prefer to think of Carnage as one of those guys. But you know what? I don't care. What you're doing here is different from what everyone else does, and I respect that, even if it's not what I would do. Kudos for taking the road less traveled. Moving on to the next point, what's this about Harry joining the ranks? I mean, it's cool and all, but (excuse me while my inner Sam Jackson takes over) is that little # %& gonna take the mother%$## Globulin Green AGAIN so he can be a & %% superhero? Is that his plan, is he enough of a dumb #$ to think that's gonna work? After his dad's perfect $%% #*&*** insanity-free gas treament turned him into a $# & psychotic %$***#$#$? I swear, if #% 12345 Harry ever *&%$$## does that $#!###$ again I will #$#% # #%% #**88 #% $#** 3287395872#% ##$... For real, my rage-filled hand will reach into the digital world , isolate the binary code that represents Harry's character in this fanfiction, and beat the ## %$# # #*& #* #***%& # #$! !**&&$ out of the ones and zeros he is made from if he ever touches that stuff again.
Thank you for enduring this rant.
Super Snazzy BONUS Answer: His name should be something that evokes devils and Halloween creatures as a personal acknowledgement of the mistakes he has made, while still separating himself from the legacy of the Green Goblin. Wasn't that a spectacular non-answer?
Wait what? Carnage is playing vigilante now? I know his version of crime fighting isn't really a good thing, but I'm not too sure how I feel about him wanting to play hero in any fashion. I always think of him as more of a Joker type - in the immortal words of Alfred Pennyworth, "Some men just want to watch the world burn." I prefer to think of Carnage as one of those guys. But you know what? I don't care. What you're doing here is different from what everyone else does, and I respect that, even if it's not what I would do. Kudos for taking the road less traveled. Moving on to the next point, what's this about Harry joining the ranks? I mean, it's cool and all, but (excuse me while my inner Sam Jackson takes over) is that little # %& gonna take the mother%$## Globulin Green AGAIN so he can be a & %% superhero? Is that his plan, is he enough of a dumb #$ to think that's gonna work? After his dad's perfect $%% #*&*** insanity-free gas treament turned him into a $# & psychotic %$***#$#$? I swear, if #% 12345 Harry ever *&%$$## does that $#!###$ again I will #$#% # #%% #**88 #% $#** 3287395872#% ##$... For real, my rage-filled hand will reach into the digital world , isolate the binary code that represents Harry's character in this fanfiction, and beat the ## %$# # #*& #* #***%& # #$! !**&&$ out of the ones and zeros he is made from if he ever touches that stuff again.
Thank you for enduring this rant.
Super Snazzy BONUS Answer: His name should be something that evokes devils and Halloween creatures as a personal acknowledgement of the mistakes he has made, while still separating himself from the legacy of the Green Goblin. Wasn't that a spectacular non-answer?
7/23/2014 c2 LHStyle
Good setup chapter, establishing that Carnage is free and showing how the gang starts to find out about him. They're all being very nice to Harry, which is good because he needs the support. Even if he's right and it was totally his fault for choosing to take the Green. Again. Dork. Anyway, it's on to the next chapter for me. I love coming in late to a story, so I can just binge like this.
Extra Snazzy BONUS Answer: If I said that to Fury, I'm assuming in the middle of a conversation, well... The white version from the 616 comics would become the scariest f-ing military elite in the business and issue a vague threat that would still be powerful enough to make me wet myself. The black Nick Fury from the Ultimate comics would give me a blank one-eyed stare and say, quite blithely, "I'm sorry, I didn't quite catch what you said there." And that's when I shit my pants.
Good setup chapter, establishing that Carnage is free and showing how the gang starts to find out about him. They're all being very nice to Harry, which is good because he needs the support. Even if he's right and it was totally his fault for choosing to take the Green. Again. Dork. Anyway, it's on to the next chapter for me. I love coming in late to a story, so I can just binge like this.
Extra Snazzy BONUS Answer: If I said that to Fury, I'm assuming in the middle of a conversation, well... The white version from the 616 comics would become the scariest f-ing military elite in the business and issue a vague threat that would still be powerful enough to make me wet myself. The black Nick Fury from the Ultimate comics would give me a blank one-eyed stare and say, quite blithely, "I'm sorry, I didn't quite catch what you said there." And that's when I shit my pants.
7/23/2014 c1 LHStyle
Okay, this is hard for me because I'm better at viewing a story as a whole than in parts, but I'm trying. First off, Carnage for the win. He's the most fun I can have in the Spider-Man world without involving the Goblin, and I like his treatment here. Very psycho. Very creepy. Now that I've gotten the ball rolling, I like the style here as well. Having read Secrets before starting this, I think that the story is easier to follow in third person, since I as a reader do not have to keep track of the changes in viewpoint. I was a little disappointed that Carnage just showed up for one chapter and vanished in the previous story, so I'm glad he's taking center stage here. Looking forward to the next part - which conveniently is already here!
Extra Snazzy BONUS Answer: If I met Peter Parker out of costume, assuming I knew it was him, I would geek out and smile like and idiot, utterly fail to think of anything to say to him, and he would walk away, slightly creeped out be me, while I curse myself for screwing that up so spectacularly. If I met him as Spider-Man, he would either swing by very quickly and not notice me, or we met through him saving me from some catastrophe. In that case, I would be traumatized AND geeking out at the same time, so I wouldn't be able to have much of a conversation with him.
Okay, this is hard for me because I'm better at viewing a story as a whole than in parts, but I'm trying. First off, Carnage for the win. He's the most fun I can have in the Spider-Man world without involving the Goblin, and I like his treatment here. Very psycho. Very creepy. Now that I've gotten the ball rolling, I like the style here as well. Having read Secrets before starting this, I think that the story is easier to follow in third person, since I as a reader do not have to keep track of the changes in viewpoint. I was a little disappointed that Carnage just showed up for one chapter and vanished in the previous story, so I'm glad he's taking center stage here. Looking forward to the next part - which conveniently is already here!
Extra Snazzy BONUS Answer: If I met Peter Parker out of costume, assuming I knew it was him, I would geek out and smile like and idiot, utterly fail to think of anything to say to him, and he would walk away, slightly creeped out be me, while I curse myself for screwing that up so spectacularly. If I met him as Spider-Man, he would either swing by very quickly and not notice me, or we met through him saving me from some catastrophe. In that case, I would be traumatized AND geeking out at the same time, so I wouldn't be able to have much of a conversation with him.
3/9/2014 c7 smashinghumer666
*this is a youtube channel review* nice to see you back in action with a new chapter and how do you make carnage more creeper than he actually should be it makes me wish the movies were written like this. the one thing I don't like is the fake outs and spidys fake outs happen way to often but that's just me there's not so much to criticise so consider that a complement I have no doubt that you could be a famous writer one all the best from scotland
*this is a youtube channel review* nice to see you back in action with a new chapter and how do you make carnage more creeper than he actually should be it makes me wish the movies were written like this. the one thing I don't like is the fake outs and spidys fake outs happen way to often but that's just me there's not so much to criticise so consider that a complement I have no doubt that you could be a famous writer one all the best from scotland
3/9/2014 c7 weekj2001
green arrow and hawkeye
green arrow and hawkeye