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for Harry Potter and the Knight of the Radiant Heart

8/13 c1 2spelledink
Such a favorite !
5/14 c3 Guest
Oh God, somebody slap the living fuck out of Harry and remind him that Luna saw her mother die in front if her.. that Hermione was nearly killed by being a loyal friend & following him...that Susan Bones entire family, minus her aunt, was wiped out by death eaters...that Neville's parents were tortured into insanity and that they don't even recognize their son. I HATE this iteration of "woe is me, I'm the only one because my troubles are so unique that I can shelve myself off from anybody else". Sanctimonious little fuck. I already want to beat the living hell out of him for being such a fucking cunt right now.

Yes, so far, I like the story.
5/2 c4 23VashonBeader
My friend csheila recommended this story to and I'm so glad she did.
4/3 c36 skyta00
this is such a great story!
2/5 c36 Argonaut986
Well… that was entertaining…
2/5 c35 Argonaut986
That was unexpected…
2/5 c34 Argonaut986
That’s going to do some good…
2/5 c33 Argonaut986
That could’ve ended far worse…
2/5 c32 Argonaut986
Their efforts will be what they will be…
2/5 c31 Argonaut986
The light isn’t easily snuffed out…
2/5 c30 Argonaut986
Talk about TROUBLE!
2/5 c29 Argonaut986
I was right, that is a problem…
2/5 c28 Argonaut986
Harry has chosen his path…
2/5 c27 Argonaut986
I’m only guessing here, but my theory is that when the unstable(?) portal closed, the connection between Riddle and his Hrrcruxes was broken. This theory is tied in with the theory that aforementioned connection cannot survive the transfer of it’s bearer from one universe to another if the portal between the two universes closes.
2/5 c26 Argonaut986
Oh deer, that’s a problem…
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