Just In
for Affairs of an Assassin's heart

7/4/2013 c1 1Black Widow and Hawkeye OTP
I also want more Blackeye in the movies! they are screwing us over by not showing more of what we all know is there :(
6/9/2013 c9 4clintashavenersdoctorwhofun52
love the story, can't wait for the next chapter.
6/9/2013 c9 19AndurilofTolkien
like this
6/7/2013 c8 1queentaylor98
I love this 3 But when does the Black Widow and Tony pairing come in?
5/30/2013 c8 6pronetobadjuju
you need to update, and tell us who the person clint bumped into is
5/21/2013 c8 Avamys
Only one problem: the spacing. I can't see the paragraphs clearly and it's hard to read.
5/7/2013 c7 4clintashavenersdoctorwhofun52
cool chapter
4/15/2013 c4 9IamTheBlaze
It's great. I love it! Damn I had this whole... Oh maybe she's writing about Jex...But alas no. But I still love it! xD
4/15/2013 c4 19AndurilofTolkien
like this so far :)

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