4/17/2013 c1 Tiffany
4/17/2013 c1 VampireFreakGurl
Aw Bells... Edward loves you, too. Please update soon! This is a great beginning!
Aw Bells... Edward loves you, too. Please update soon! This is a great beginning!
4/16/2013 c1 Guest
Poor Bella...
Poor Bella...
4/16/2013 c1 TwilightLuver
Woah! I am surprised! This is great!
Woah! I am surprised! This is great!
4/16/2013 c1 Twilight'till'Dawn
You did good at the end. I like it. And I hope you update pretty soon.
You did good at the end. I like it. And I hope you update pretty soon.
4/16/2013 c1 Guest
I've been a big fan of RedViolet101 for a long time. Since pretty much the day she posted this story. And I just want to say that this story is really good written. I love how you kind of took it slow, but at the same time, you speed it up to the good part. So I can't wait for more!
I've been a big fan of RedViolet101 for a long time. Since pretty much the day she posted this story. And I just want to say that this story is really good written. I love how you kind of took it slow, but at the same time, you speed it up to the good part. So I can't wait for more!