Just In
for The Palace (Ongoing)

9/18/2021 c35 Guest
Ozai is proving that he has a silver tongue in more than one way, it seems. LMFAO
9/18/2021 c14 Guest
Lol. Why would *PRINCE* Ozai actually conduct the torturing of some prisoner (that has nothing to do with him on top of that) personally, other than to just be an even worse guy in this story?
9/18/2021 c4 Guest
You're telling me that Iroh, the man who flirted with every woman under the sun in the show, would NOT have any concubines while every other older royal male in the family had? Hahaha, nice one.
5/6/2021 c50 Guest
please please please post again! this is by far one of the most creative AND well written pics I have read in a very long time so pleaseeeee next chapter!
3/6/2021 c28 Cocofant
I've really really enjoyed reading this fic so far, and I'll definitely come back to finish it at sometime in the future. I just have a hard time staying with something for a long time, I'm kinda like a cheating spouse in that way.

I've read The Selection series, so I see that you've drawn a lot of inspiration from that series, but not too much as to make it overly dramatic. I like the idea that there's no war, Zuko never gets banished, Iroh is Firelord and Lu Ten is the crown princess and a womanizer. Zuko having his bending taken away by basically poisoning him is such a unique concept and so much worse a punishment than having half his face burned. Also, I like that the Avatar isn't even mentioned. Almost every story is understandably avatar centric, so it's a breath of fresh air to read something different. The only person I feel is OOC is Yue, but we never got to know her in canon so I actually like how you've made her an evil temptress.

Overall, I love this story, you're a great writer and thank you for writing.
1/24/2021 c50 Makdawg52
When is the next bit coming! I am way to invested
1/21/2021 c50 BlackSwan265
Wow. Just, Wow. This story is incredible! I have to say, I applaud your dedication to this story, i mean; continuing this story for over 7 years?! THAT is some serious dedication. When I began reading this story, i thought it was going to be very dramatic and romantic (as the genres say), and while it is; I feel like The Palace is now almost completely political. There are so many different plots, motives, secrets, and sides to the story my head was spinning trying to keep track of it all! (not saying thats a bad thing... this ff definitely made me think, which i can definitely appreciate). Your story is one of the most complex and compelling i have seen, and i love the foreshadowing and character development! I look forward to your next update!
1/15/2021 c50 Makdawg52
Oh goodness. It just keeps going! But I’m so glad Iroh isn’t dead. Ready for the next
1/4/2021 c50 hvitserk
Thank you so much for the update! I actually read this entire fic a while back but I’m rereading now and it’s so well written. A true Zutara epic!
1/1/2021 c50 nicoaii
Oh my God. I am so happy that you updated this story. I have been following this story since 2016 but because of school and life and no update I forgot about it. I am so happy to see that Iroh is still alive and that they are playing political chess. Ny favorite. I had to go back and reread from the beginning because a lot has changed but I like the new changes. I can't wait to read what happens next. Ursa is a smart woman and knows what she's doing. Life in court shapes you.
11/20/2020 c1 Guest
Thank you so much for updating, I have been following you since 2015, and it’s really great to see you writing again :) I hope you have a wonderful thanksgiving :)
11/8/2020 c50 14irishleesh93
Holy crap. So much happened in this chapter I am going to need some time to process. Lu Ten is becoming so freaking paranoid it something you would expect from Azula or Ozai in the show. I've never been so excited for Azula before. I hope she finds Jet. And omg Ursa honey what a tangled web you've made.
11/5/2020 c50 Shutupndsmil3
So glad to see you updating! I was shocked to find out Iroh is still alive and I cant wait to see more. Hope everything is okay with you during this pandemic, stay safe!
11/5/2020 c50 Guest
I almost gave up on this fic! But thank you so much for the update! One of my all time favs! It’s so original! Go at your own pace but please keep writing!
11/4/2020 c49 3Fiction.Writer2019
I just read the whole thing in two days and oh my goodness I'm in love! And I love your smut scene between Katara and Zuko. I hope there's at least one or two more scenes like that before the end. I know they might not find the time for it but using since author creativeness I'm sure you could make it work :-) also, I cannot wait until Zuko firebends and reveals his secret to everyone who doesn't know yet.
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