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for Harry Potter and the Shell of the God-King

8/5/2020 c3 reptoholic
8/5/2020 c2 reptoholic
8/5/2020 c1 reptoholic
I hope they don't become pawns to the ministry or dumbles
7/29/2020 c21 1phhsdj
Please finish this
6/18/2020 c21 Waka Metalbelly
I was joking about the 2020 thing but damn. I'm done. I'm sorry, but while this is gonna stay in my favorites list, I'm done following. I'll check back in a few years. Good luck in life.
3/12/2020 c21 7Tendragos
Of all the characters to throw into the HP universe, The God-King of the Primordium and The Shaper of Things never really crossed my mind. But when I see her here, interacting with the characters, she fits here better than she did on Angel. I hope you carry on, this is an awesome story!
9/28/2019 c21 Guest
Wow I have to say that is a cliffhanger to wait almost a fucking year at this point if I ever met you face-to-face I would deck you but I have to admit I was a big fan of Angel and Buffy and I have loved reading all this fanfiction on Harry and I think this is truly a great story I just wish to God you had not stopped just before Draco the young lady now was just walking into the room and you stopped writing oh dear God I want to hit you so hard right now please please start writing again on this story but for now I say as always thank you for writing
7/28/2019 c2 PGHammer
stonegnome1 - Because they basically have? The Unforgivables don't work. The destructive spells just below the Unforgivables don't work either. Atop that, the Ministry is now having to cough up 195 thousand galleons for the proven death of all three Lestranges - in their own Atrium. Destruction walks among wizarding Britain - in the body of a fourteen-year-old witch. If they have a clue, they should let her and Harry loose to hunt Riddle and his Death Eaters. (However, this is Fudge - naturally, they have not a clue.)
4/9/2019 c12 Chyllen
Ok thoughts I don't like the character of demon god 2000 just don't she's not funny or really adding anything to the story just being a bossy twit ...
You also go to much into boring detail of history that could be sumd up with a lot less words and cut short character interaction like with Su Li and demon god 2000 and whatever they talked about when they met it just was not their it happens allot in the story.
Your character building is good except for demon god 2000 she has no personality...
Your character interaction is bad
Your world building is too much info where less is more in my opinion..
3/31/2019 c21 1Saito
Im fine with pruning characters to make the story more cohesive and let you do some real character development for the ones who will be actually sticking around.

Normally i would say you should keep tonks but with how this has been written she doesnt feel like a good fit, maybe even work killing off at some point to further the plot?

I could actually see hermione becoming a major character, with or without a relationship, if she can avoid being an annoying brat who cares more for rules than reality.

Personally i enjoy morag as written, she is funny. Shipped or not doesnt matter, keep her around.

Su can go, imo have illyria kill her for presuming too much.

Since the universe has been opened up a bit in the plot if you wanna throw something interesting in i could see natasha/black widow being a good fit as a very capable muggle.

Or maybe C.C. from code geass as the green haired girl foreseen earlier in the series if you want to open it up to anime characters.

Besides characters and ships i really enjoy illyria in the story and would be happy seeing more moments of her not quite getting modern life and or being destructive.
3/11/2019 c21 VictoriousSvadilfari
I loved this story but I hate how little autonomy Harry has, a problem that I found in various of your works.
3/7/2019 c21 Guest
i miss this
2/16/2019 c21 3ShadowTomes
I'm glad I found this. Its epic so far. I hope you post again soon.
1/29/2019 c12 18Luna's Meow
Wow, went full on angst ridden Mary Sue there childhood rebellion dreams there.

100% wrong. Harry isn't untouchable, Chosen One or not. See, there's this little thing called the future, AFTER the war is over. Once Voldemort is dead, his "leverage" is gone. And right into Azkaban he can go.

So no, being "The Chosen One" isn't good enough. Illyria is the only thing saving his ass.
1/29/2019 c21 b6076b6076
Update soon. Cliffhangers are cruel.
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