Just In
for Harry Potter and the Shell of the God-King

11/21/2018 c21 4evilfrog1
know its asking alot vut can you date future chapters it would help. thabks.
11/19/2018 c21 Trey of the rebellion
Enter Carina
11/18/2018 c21 major wallace
11/15/2018 c21 Clearhorse
Yes! More please
11/15/2018 c21 1Gruffard
Huh. So you went the fender bender route? Huh. I do like how Hermione was pulled back in.

I am still curious on the ending of the previous chapter and Harry calling her out.
11/14/2018 c21 1Kalen Darkmoon
A very enjoyable story so far and with so much more you can go with it. I look forward to more.
11/14/2018 c21 flmarine0352
Quick question. You had morag say something about Susan declining one of the houses but I didn't read that anywhere else was it something I missed?
11/14/2018 c21 biob1
This will be good
11/14/2018 c21 2Jack Inqu
I don't hate Ron and Ginny like a lot of fans seem to, but I generally don't find them very interesting either, unless the author does something different with them. So, I'm not really sad to see them be pushed out of the story, if that is the case.

House hunting and now meeting the girl that used to be Draco. Harry has a rough life. :p

Take care, good luck, and I look forward to your next update.
11/14/2018 c21 dragonnargus
Ahahaha. Narsissa action at the end was awesome and funny. Also, cute girl Draco!
11/14/2018 c21 TheWickedTruth89
Great chapter, I can't wait to see more.
11/13/2018 c21 timewastin
Thanks for the update! Hopefully if Illyria is looking to Hermione she actually has the backbone required to restructure a society.
11/13/2018 c21 Guest
Wait... You and Lexi broke up?
11/13/2018 c21 Guest
Damn, you are one vicious bastard when it comes to Draco. Kind of balances out all the never-ending fics about Draco being a poor, misunderstood good guy.
11/13/2018 c21 alec-potter
Nice filler, not nearly necessary.
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